
Comeback after 308 Tags: Sandro Tonali is back

Comeback after 308 Tags: Sandro Tonali is back

The Italian Fußball-Nationalspieler Sandro Tonali hat 308 Day after signal Seperre roads illegaler Laws signal Comeback gegeben. Tonali (24) plays in the English league for the club Newcastle United at Nottingham Forest zum Einsatz. Seine Mannschaft finds 4:3 in Elfmeterschießen.

Tonali war in October of the years of passing will be a wicklung in the legal battle of the Italian football balls for the Monate blocked. Discover the defensive Mittelfeldspieler on the European mastery in Germany.

Tonali hates to play in the signal time at AC Mailland on the game of his own man. There is a war in the summer for more than 63 million euros after England gewechselt.

Trotz der langen Pause zählte Tonali zu de best Spielern on dem Platz. It was more like a stunde wurde came out of the closet. (dpa)