
Rückgang beim Kondomgebrauch unter Jugendlichen – Nachrichten AG

Rückgang beim Kondomgebrauch unter Jugendlichen – Nachrichten AG

The active study of the welfare organization (WHO) provides a controlling light on the sexual spread of young people in Europe. After the message has appeared, it is clear that there is a young European family, before the sexual life begins. This entwicklung can follow alarmingly for the general health, the decline of the condom use in the connection with a higher price. Judge an unprotected sex traffic steht. The WHO warns of the risk of sexual waste and unwanted debts.

In one of the many years that took place in 2014 and 2022, the 15-year-olds from 42 European and Central Asian states of Canada were robbed. The experience said that the use of the Condoms does not go beyond the protection by other coatings or fehlt. After you have performed the treatment with the baby pill 30 times, you can use it before using the anti-baby pill.

Changes in the environment

The data we have seen from the early years of youth have been used to the current sale of a condom, from 70 percent in the year 2014 to 61 percent in the year 2022 sunk ist. If the machine is nearby: Here is the field of the anteil of 63 to 57 percent. The ergebnisse is no longer for the affected youth of beggars, but let one of the besorgniserregende Entwicklung supervisors solve some of the problems with the sale.

A look at Germany shows that here lies the Kondomnutzung in the Durchschnitt. 2022 gaben 59 Prozent der Jugendlichen an, beim letzten Sex ein Kondom used zu haben – deutlich weniger as noch 2014. Im Vergleich zu other europäischen Ländern ist der Gebrauch der Pille unter deutschen Jugendlichen allendings bemerkswert hoch. Nur 16 Prozent der Mädchen und 23 Prozent der Jungen in Deutschland gaben an, weder Pille noch Kondom zu nutzen. Österreich und Schweiz schneiden in dieser Hinsicht noch besser ab.

The roles of sexual experience

The WHO has this, the large amount of messages is a man in the sexual development. The Tatsache, which in many states the other judicial statements get, is alarming, so the WHO regional director Hans Kluge. If sexual relations are often used, there is often criticism of a number of things, such as a sexual abuse that can be prevented.

A comprehensive clarification system would be the conclusion of a safe and informed divorce finding in this sensible phase of life. András Költo, one of the main authors of the messages, demonstrates the wisdom of information on topics with Zustimmung, intimate Beziehungen, Gesellidentität and sexual orientation. It is not possible to use the correct information, but if you want more information, there is one of these topics that you can discuss.