
DocMorris Action: Kursrutsch nach enttäuschenden Zahlen ()

DocMorris Action: Kursrutsch nach enttäuschenden Zahlen ()

The DocMorris-Aktie appeared on August 28, 2024 with a German Kursrückgang of 5.65% at 39.22 EUR. If the negative trend occurs in the direction of the negative trend – on Monday the negative interest rate is 15.78%. The Kurs is now 174.73% below the 52-Wochen-Hoch of 107.75 EUR, but still 4.79% above the Jahrestief.

Analysts have viewed Kursziele nach Quartalszahlen

The basis for the young Kursrutsch is the disillusioned quarterly numbers, which DocMorris briefly presented. In the following, more analysts have entered the market for the Aktie activities. So the Deutsche Bank has reabunded the title “Buy” to “Hold” and lowered the price from 80 to 45 francs. Also Warburg Research has carried out the research for “Hold” with a new price of 50 francs.

The experts started their previous phase with the continued development and ensured a possible larger capital increase. Because the DocMorris action would probably yield a risky investment. Split for the further development of the economy, while the companies in the comings can create a trend turn for the watch and profitability.


DocMorris Action: Buy or sell?! New DocMorris Analysis from 29. August liefert de Antwort:

The nose of DocMorris Zahlen speaks a clear story: Urgent Long-term shopping for DocMorris Actions. Do you want to make a purchase or another purchase? In the free analysis of August 29th it was time.

DocMorris: Buy or sell? Read more here…