
Essen: Nach traurigem Imbiss-Aus – jetzt gibt es endlich Neuigkeiten

Essen: Nach traurigem Imbiss-Aus – jetzt gibt es endlich Neuigkeiten

The “Frittenschmiede” on the B224 in Essen-Heidhausen was an absolute cult restaurant. In the Essener Stadt you can leave the Pommesbude – for all residents of Jürgen Lippold. On June 6, 2024, the traumatic experience of Death of the 72nd Year died from the disease, it is one of the most likely restaurants.

While Lippold was at war, the “voluntary struggle” was an undisputed power and for the charm and guts in the choice of the Imbiss. However, we will still have a Monate after that, and we will give you new ideas in Essen: Der Imbiss kehrt zurück!

Essener Kult-Imbiss has made a comeback

When Nicole Cofano and the Gatte Cristiano received one of the following funds. Daniel Schiffers has not long ago from the “Frittenschmiede” his restaurant “Schiffers in the other layer” in the Brückstraße 20 geführt, but now the Schließung can become a (>> here more dazu). Now together with the blessing partner of Jule all kraft paper will take in the new Kult-Imbiss-stecken.

++ American-American tested Imbiss-Snack in NRW – a detail in German Zuschauern das Herz ++

“Parallel zu signalen en pünktlich zum Ablauf seines Pachtvertrags is een opportuniie, die Schiffer nicht ausschlagen wolllte: A once-in-a-lifetime “Frittenschmiede” in Heidhausen is initiated and unterzeichnete, ohne lang drüber nachzukende, de Pachtvertrag“, heißt es in eener Perssemitteilung.

Schnitzel statt Beef fillet

The restaurant is not yet ready for the end of the years, is ready to be assessed with the Imbiss-Neueröffnung first 2025. “We will be able to enjoy our holidays in February 2025,” Schiffer probably says. Zukünftig heißt is also Pommesbude statt Restaurant. It is a matter of thinking and it is not all that personal and cost-intensive. “If you want to save money, also minimize personal costs. This is the reason for a small loading area that is lighter, even if the goods are stored within 44 years.

+++ Essen: Traditions-Metzger vor dem Aus – Couldn’t glauben nicht, was sie im Laden sehen +++

And furthermore: “Whoever I have tried in the last few months can, but I, the people who have been prepared since they are, would have loved Euro for a Schnitzel with Pommes as well as four Euros for a Rinder Fillet with Trüffel Risotto.” also a new type of bet is final and will be one of the imbissbudes. “We will erase, that the Frittenschiede is always a war of faith. There were people who were some kind of Mal da. Die Schließung hat eine große Lücke in Heidhausen hinterlassen“, so Schiffer, der diese Lücke schließen and Speisen with Imbisscharakter of gooder Qualität available will.

“Frittenschmiede” will no longer be used

So it is not necessary to use a clever Fast Food service with the Bauern- or local Metzgerei on the To-do-List. Komplett alles op Alten is nothing more. Schiffer and your friend have a renovation plan and wollen dem loaded in your own handwriting. I think that the „Frittenschmiede“ will be changed someday – the name can not be grübelt.

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The natural environment of the gastronomic couple in their new home is open to their guests and their current restaurant knowledge. “We are happy in the Nähe. Were you welcome, it will be last year. It is not the case that the beef fillet is longer than a high quality and a good imbissgericht“, erklärt Schiffer.