
Vorarlberger Moor Salgenreute als Vorzeigeprojekt – Klima –

Moor Salgenreute

Moor Salgenreute

Mooren comes in the Time of Climate Walks with special considerations such as Water Reduction, CO2 Speicher and for Biodiversity. Binding a Moorish inlet fell on carbon dioxide, causing a Moorish climate change gas in the Umwelt ab. Before this background information, the Eastern Region Moor Renaturation Project was set up. As one of the highlights of the Leuchtturm project, the Renaturierung des Moores Salgenreute in Vorarlberg is gilded.

The westernmost eastern part of the Bundesland is a topography-topography (tonreiche Schichten) and a Niederschlagsreichtums (jährlich bis zu 2,500 Liter Rain pro Quadratmeter in Hochlagen) grundsätzlich a “Land der Moore”, as Carola Bauer vom grenzüberschreitenden “Naturpark Nagelfluhkette” in a Lokalaugen show the APA nante. In Vorarlberg she lies Prozent aller Moore Österreichs, deshalb hat das Land auch die nationale Gesamtverantwortung for the Project “LIFE AMooRe – Austrian Moor Restoration” übernommen.

Around 44 Million Euro escapes until 2033 in the Moorstrategy Austria 2030+ and damn in the maintenance of the Austrian Moor. The big project started in 260 days in the Vorarlberg Rhine Delta, in the 1950s the Flächen were lost to nature. It would be a problem if the agricultural would be used economically. Now they should also be reintroduced.

An anschauliches Beispiel dafür, wie the renovation of a Moorish bzw. a Moorlandschaft is the Moor Salgenreute in Krumbach im Bregenzerwald. Before you can spend more years, you must have a Moor in the original and zurückzuversetszen. Everything won’t be done tomorrow. “That’s 20, 30 years old,” Bauer said. Renaturiert wurde on a Fläche von beef 3.8 Hektar. Zur Wiedervernässung des Hochmoors wurden frühere Entwässerungsgräben geschlossen. In the end, the Gräben were benötigt zijn, a Torf – wie der Boden im Moor wird wird – zu stechen.

Before you can spend years, you can drink soda that can be used. More water provides more Wachstum der Torfmoose and thus for the Torfbildung. Der Torf is one of the most important features of Moos and plant remains and is a famous Kohlendioxid-Speicher – solange of the Moorish intact ist. World wide Moore only covers three percent of the land surface, he binds but twice as much coal as all the forests of the earth together, the round three percent of the land surface take in. If you visit a Moor, it is not so that the anonstens are stored Methane free. The adjustment of the Spundwände can only be done after the surface has been analyzed.

We will look forward to seeing the results since summer 2024. I believe that the first gräben inzwischen have been filled with water, and there is a picture of the Schwimmoose, which will become the gräben in about 20 years. In the Zwischenzeit, the little Tümpel serve as Paradies for Unknowns, Frösche and Dragonflies. In a Grenzgraben sterben dort gewachsene Fichten ab, “denen is zu nass”, says Bauer. If you are on the Moors and in the Blick, which is the Naturpark and the three Stellen Messpegel institutions, you regularly die in the Wasserstand in Moor-messen. Der Moorkörper, Heimat für typical Moorpflanzen wie de Sonnentau, reicht bis in een Tiefe von three Metern and is damit etwa 3.000 Jahre alt.

Salgenreute is in Krumbach nur eines von more Mooren. The agricultural community has reached an average of 1,100. A woman who is small, but Moore first entered into a profile in 2008. “With seinen Mooren Power Krumbach mehr aus sich”, he is in a Broschüre der Commune. A total of 14 positions are loaded into a Mooring area to ensure that the Moorings are covered, and we are now able to enjoy Moorwanderungen during the summer. More information about Moorpflanzen, Geologie und Geschichte der Moore vermittelt.