
Psychology: 3 Signs, this person is a Heyoka Empathist

Psychology: 3 Signs, this person is a Heyoka Empathist

3 Zeichen, dass du een Heyoka-Empath bist

Glückliche Frau in der Stadt: 3 Zeichen, dass du een Heyoka-Empath bist

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Empathy is one of the central features of a number of human qualities. It is an uninteresting type of empathic person – Heyoka-Empath: it is a matter of self-esteem.

You could say that other people have done their opposite things and subsequent things, it was in the right direction, but the better things will change with each other. After all, Empathy is an unglaublich wertvolle Eigenschaft, in Freundschaften, in Beziehungen, aber auch im beruflichen Kontext.

Heyoka-Empath: It is a problem to type a ​​​​einfühlsamen person. There is no question of a higher emotional intelligence, but it may be that there is humor. If you see a miraculous situation, a difficult situation is a problem and the immunization of your work, if it is a problem. If you want to see a white at your own expense, you can lose your money, or a spa, from the unangenehmen situation in your serious situation.

Was Genau a Heyoka Empath?

The word “Heyoka” comes from an indigenous language of the Native Americans, the American Ureinwohner:innen. It is an übersetzt that fell on “heiliger Narr” or “heiliger Spaßvogel”. A Heyoka-Empath or -Empathin is the humorous factor that attracts attention in humorous situations. It is not that a stupid Witze is an asshole, empathische Aussagen en Handlungen, with the fact that the Gegenüber meist can help and change the situation.

Besides the general empathic brand characteristics of Heyoka-Empath: there are a few other properties. If you know that you have achieved this high quality.

These subtleties are expressed in this way, which helps the Heyoka-Empaths feel

1. You are very honest

A Heyoka Empath:in is typically very honest. Because the person lives naturally, there is no sense of loss – no empathy for his core characteristic. But Heyoka Empath:if you look in the mirror, you can radiate a new truth, so that other other travel stories no longer occur. If it is difficult, it is a Heyoka Empath:in the direction of the direction, some feedback that was given and appeared in the mirror, was very nice. With the klugen and simplicity of humor it is so that the situation escalates to last.

2. You are creative

Zier creative people are special Heyoka-Empath:innen. This creditworthiness is enormous, sensitive, clever and humorous with my Mitmenschen and schwigende situations. The trueness, this person, the a blue fantasy and stood out by his lust, Heyoka-Empath:in ist, ist daher hoch.

3. You are an introvert

The more empathy and the more emotions there are, more complex themes with humor and simplicity of loose, free kraft papers. And the more people read and listen, the empathic person can generate energy. Deshalb is a real Heyoka-Empath: she is more introverted and well-behaved than a time and space for his or her battery. Nur, if you have an emotional charge, you can do other things. Erasing Heyoka-Empath: in a next step, the time for self-care is important.

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