
iOS 18.1 Beta 3: New “Clean Up” Feature in Photos App

iOS 18.1 Beta 3: New “Clean Up” Feature in Photos App

With the Clean-Up-Tool, the photo app can automatically recognize objects in an image. You can call on a self-chosen object, it is a journey or with the finger that is stretched, it is a matter of undertaking.

Quick Read: At a Glance

  • iOS 18.1 Beta 3 brings a “Clean Up” feature to the Photos app.
  • Objects from images are automatically displayed.
  • Features with other photos and other devices.

Part of the image is smaller, and the problem with the finger as a brush is solved. The AI ​​of these tools is intelligent, one of the two people who eliminates a person or the main motif is intelligent.

The Clean-Up function is available with all photos in the photo library, a few photos and images, which with others can represent a compact room or an SLR camera.

Apple is done with Clean Up with more Machine-Learning models, which can recognize that some objects can be improved and that the operating system is not available, an uninterested object is ready. It may be that the damage or the reflection of the objects are visible.

The update has been updated with the following messaging and email apps.

Clean Up feature announced!

This new feature in the photo app has a central tower in Bildern, and makes the Bereich completely full. If you use more Machine Learning models, you can develop your own scissor or reflexes.