
Deufol SE: Ergebnisse des ersten Halbjahrs 2024

Deufol SE: Ergebnisse des ersten Halbjahrs 2024


Half-year results

Deufol SE: Ergebnisse des ersten Halbjahrs 2024

Hofheim am Taunus, August 29, 2024

Halbjahresergebnis – Umsatzwachstum, new Standorte and Ausbau strategic partnerships

The Deufol Gruppe began to expand in the first years of 2024 and in Opole, Poland, and Brünn, Czech Republic, new Niederlassungen. It is worth seeing the double of the results in southern Poland and South Africa and strengthening the strategic End-2-End Hub network. The new standards are through their strategic low optimal arrangement, the possibility to offer logistics services to digital utility solutions, an efficient and flexible workshop for various logistics and transport requests, security measures and transports that can be reduced.

The expansion of the activities of the Deufol Gruppe in the new logistics planning during the period in Bangkok, Thailand, has Deufol Doehle Projects Ltd. vorangetrieben. A company has been established that focuses on the development of the last years that established a joint venture between the Deufol Gruppe and Menzell Döhle and an uninterrupted strategic vision of the Deufol, which is undergoing a global expansion as an end-2-end logistics service provider in the project logistics and Schwerlastindustrie are strong.

For the first Halbjahr 2024 the following announcements were made by the Deufol Konzern:

  • Turnover 154.7 million. € (Spring 143.9 Mio. €)
  • EBITDA 17.0 million. € (Spring 27.8 Mio. €, cleans with a special effect from a further Vergleichsvereinbarung 17.8 Me. €)
  • EBIT 6.1 million. € (Spring 17.9 Million) €, cleans a Sondereffekt 7.9 Me. €)
  • Net profit 2.3 million. € (Spring 12.6 Mio. €, cleans a Sondereffekt 2.6 Me. €)

Positive feedback improves the overall experience of the operator

Im ersten Halbjahr 2024 was der Umsatz with 154.7 Mio.€ um 7.5 % bzw. €10.7 million over the pre-season period.

The operational income (EBIT) in the reporting period amounts to 6.1 million. € and part of the previous sales of 17.9 Mio. € (7.9 million € without special effects due to the Vergleichsvereinbarung).

The personal property and the sons involved in solving problems, including rent and lease issues, will absolutely also relate to the relationship with a single company. This is part of the inflation clause of Lohn- and Gehaltssteigerungen bzw. Other costs on the new Ausbau and the best Hub-Standorte during the Anmietung jijätzlicher Flächen and Aufbau der zur Bewirtschaftung eerorderlichen Infrastruktur einschließlich des hierfür benötigten Personals. Since the Material Wall is covered by the Vorjahreszeitraum, it remains unaltered, so that the Material Wall quote can be changed in the same way.

The period energy has a faith of 2.3 million. € to 12.6 million. € (2.6 million € without special effects) in the comparison period of the previous year. If you can no longer use the ergebnisantiile of the first period, it is one of the anticipatory activities of Deufol SE that has generated a net profit of 1.9 million. € generated 12.2 million. € (2.2 million € without special effects) in the previous year. The achievement of your action in the first six months is 0.046 € (previous year 0.283 €).

Invest in cash flow and balance sheet structure

The cash flow from the Betrieblichen Geschäftstätigkeit of the Deufol Group believed in the Message period of 14.8 Mio. € (Vorjahr: €19.4 million). The Zahlungsmittel blieben in Vergleich zum Jahresende nahezu unchanged bei 14,8 Mio. €. The Bilanzsumme on June 30, 2024 will be 5.5 Mio in the summer of 2023. € to 277.1 million. €. In the future, shareholders’ equity will be influenced by the determined Dividend in Höhe von -4.2 Mio. €, for a period of 2.3 million. € gegenüberstand; the equity ratio belief is 45.7%.

The net financial debts (a lease agreement according to IFRS 16) yielded almost 30.3 million euros. € to 31.1 million. € increased.

Prices in Tsd. € 6M 2024 30.06.2024 6M 2023 30.06.2023
Reversed 154,684 143,938
EBITDA 16,976 27,827
EBIT 6,142 17,870
EBT 3,274 15,503
Period energy 2,257 12,611
davon ruling Anteile 322 431
Davon Anteilseigner der Muttergesellschaft 1,935 12,180
Result is Action (€) 0.046 0.283
Cash flow from betrieblicher Tätigkeit 14,825 19,378
Cash flow from investment statistics -3,027 -1,913
Net Financing Debt 73,297 64,297
Net Financial Debt (ohne Leasing Verbindlichkeiten nach IFRS 16) 31,065 30,335
Equity ratio (%) 45.7 48.3
Worker (cross section) 2,334 2,157

The first month of 2024 in the Überblick

Fortgesetztes Umsatzwachstum in Zeiten herausfordernder wirtschaftlicher Rahmen-bedingungen

If you are aware of the consequences of the negative energy effects, inflation pretends that this data is not greater than the knowledge and the charities. Make sure that you maintain the quality of service in Europe and that you have a higher personal control over the service in your service by the higher Entgelte for Leiharbeitnehmer, Subunternehmen and Dienstleister can only be partially über gestelgene Umsätze compensation. The demographic condition of the business market, which is interested in a general business operation in Germany, says the Deufol Gruppe about its further development.

The ongoing geopolitical criticism with the Kriegen in Ukraine and in the East has not made any exception to the Geschäftstätigkeit of the Deufol Group; but the mittelbaren Auswirkungen aufgrund der Lovebeziehungen der Kunden asd weiterhin überschaubar. Gleichwohl can follow the world economics through the high price and sense level and the other world political unsicherheiten schwierig and wirken weiter konjunkturbremsend.

Trotz is taught for the German Wirtschaft that the Umfeldes devices keep an eye on as the Deufol Gruppe positions itself. In addition to the new standard achieved, the new Joint Venture-Gesellschaft can start working with the development of the Asian Raum Chancen, in the project logistics of machines and analyses that the new standards for the industry of the new standards in the new Schwerlast industry. In the system of the domestic service and the social networks in the Hub strategy, very by the sustainable innovative and digital approach of the efficiency and the nachaltigkeit in the world of the economy, which increases the efficiency of the efficiency rise Ausbau des Market research and a positive experience in the future.

The Deufol Gruppe is working for the summer of 2024, a further development of humanity and the best results in the annual financial report 2023, veröffentlichte plans, which for the harvest of 2024 an amount of 295 to 320 million. € has an EBIT of the operating costs of 12 and 18 million. € vorsiht.

The Zwischenbericht is available at

About the Deufol Group:

The Deufol Gruppe is a prosperous company and will be engaged in the supply of packaging and digital supply chains in the sector of the Schwerlastindustrie. With many years of experience and knowledge of the knowledge that the Deufol Gruppe offers in its comprehensive physical and digital solutions for optimization and sustainable shape for lieferketten.

With a global network in Europe, North America and Asia, dual services are offered for various industries. The Unternehmensgruppe has specialized in a very friendly practice in its packaging and logistics operations. As a customer-oriented organization, you play a separate role in the packaging and logistics sector in mechanical and equipment construction and logistics logistics on an international level.

For more information you can say:

Deufol SO

Investor Relations

Phone: +49 (6122) 50 1228

E-mail: (email protected)

ISIN code: DE000A1R1EE6

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