
Salem: Gewinnen Sie beim SÜDKURIER-Sommerrätsel zu Salem

Salem: Gewinnen Sie beim SÜDKURIER-Sommerrätsel zu Salem

To conclude our SÜDKURIER-Summer-Suchspiels is after Salem. In the municipality with its eleven parts it could be that such a Stecknadel was made in Heuhaufen. It is worth erasing, the picture is completely visible in Mimmenhausen and Stefansfeld. This cannot be so, but it could happen.

You have to look through Grass

The first image is a book by the Grasnabe from the power. An art project in the Gemeinde with the yellow hair loss of artist Susanne Zazo Hackenbracht who received a message from the SÜDKURIER. All these and different places in the Gemeinde can be. It may be that this happens a little at some point. I am an image that is four – and it has never been so much fun. The loss does not last here any longer.

It could be interesting


Here you get 20 house and garden tickets for your purchase

Here is the schwebenden garden of Michael Cerny from the Wald bewildered. The background is typical of the house and garden ...

It’s not the horse builders

The last picture is more visible with the guards on Holzsteen. If you don’t act like a Pfahlbauten, you might as well get used to it. These can be found in Salem. Once this image has appeared, go to the details of eights – for everything in the background. Damit please do not hesitate to contact us to find out where you stand.

The second image: No, here it is not even dealing with the Pfahlbauten, but when Bau takes the trouble. This Bauwerk steht...

The second image: No, here it is not even dealing with the Pfahlbauten, but when Bau takes the trouble. This Bauwerksteht in Salem. | Image: Jäckle, Reiner

A rooster in the heights

There was another perspective on the golden Hahn as drettes Bild. Sicherlich has the desired image of the figure that you can get out of the hands. Kein Wunder, who took the photo of the Luft recording. If it is good, then see what it is like to see what happened, one of the things you can do. There is talk of a Spitze that has caused a large part of the problems, in those cases it would not be so.

The current image: The golden one enjoys a glimpse into the Salem valley. Wer weiß, wo er zu finden ist?

The current image: The golden one enjoys a glimpse into the Salem valley. Wer weiß, wo er zu finden ist? | Image: Jackle, Reiner

Schicken Sie die Lösungen per Mail

Now they are: If all three images can and are white, if the motivation comes behind it, it can be the SÜDKURIER-Sommer-Suchspiel teilnehmen. If there is a chance that you will receive a message by e-mail and with a glass of a book-transitionsgewinnen get. Who wants to help someone, can go to Infokasten. It is of course possible that you will get the chance to relax and let the part of the SÜDKURIER-summer-so-called veröffentlichen pass.

So take part

During the summer of the SÜDKURIER gift, the jewels are a Bücher-Überraschung of winning. There are Krimis, Romane, Sachbücher and Bildbände from the region. Were the Motive erraten hat – oder Denk, dats er weiß, wed de Motive since – sollte die Lossung bis September 4, sent by e-mail to: [email protected]. Die Lösung zu diesem Sommerrätsel-Teil veröffentlichen will be in the Print-Ausgabe on September 5.