
Magazine Frankfurt Nachrichten – Stadtschreiberfest and Berger Markt

Magazine Frankfurt Nachrichten – Stadtschreiberfest and Berger Markt

The Berger Markt and the Stadtschreiberfest in Frankfurt offer a possible program during the Wochenende. It is given in those years after the Abstriche.

The Feste-Saison in Frankfurt continues: Am kommenden Samstag (August 31) starts at the Berger Markt. If you want to experience the next Apfelweinkönigin and all kinds of Konzerte spielt, it will appear on 51. Stadtschreiber sein Amt übernehmen.

It takes a while before you eat the names and the following description of Nino Haratischwili. Schirmherrschaft for the Veranstaltung übernimmt OB Mike Josef, Kulturdezernentin Ina Hartwig has fallen for Ort. As moderator Matthias Keller and Hakan Eren, who get to work with the Bağlama, a traditional Turkish Zupfinstrument is used. Anschließend the Bergen-Enkheimer Rockband Rockin’ Wheels played during the Mitternacht.

Berger Markt in Frankfurt: Experiments, Theater and more

The Samstag is one of the most common programs. Stadtkämmerer Bastian Bergerhoff (Die Grünen) with the party together with Ortsvorsteherin Alexandra Weizel (WBE) and the amtierenden Apfelweinkönigin Lea I. eröffnen. Danach would purchase the new Apfelweinkönigin Sofie-Marie I. de Thron.

When Mittag experiments: Alexander Keidel, Kantor in Bergen-Enkheim and for his einsatz for the fortführung of the organ concert in St. Nikolaus, let all the interests of SingAlong ein – nichts weniger as a mean singing melody.

Der Sonntag started at 11 o’clock with a good Gottesdienst in Festzelt. At 1 p.m. you set the Teilnehmer aus Vereinen and Initiativen des Festzuges an der Leuchte in Enkheim auf, a stunde später begins and führt over the Triebstraße, Neuer Weg and Marktstraße zum Festplatz in Bergen. Am Abend imposes Luca Haida, also known as Bembel de la Musica, at 10 p.m., the further program is still not out.

Keine Tierschau on the Berger Markt roads Schweinepest

Monday is family day with offers for children up to 12 years old, who only pay half. At 17 o’clock there is a theater performance in Zelt, which is aimed at all years: Hennermanns Horde from Frankfurt performs with its theme Sport and Movement. Where the mountain market is busy with playing bands and DJ music, there is more attraction as a children’s carus, a ship’s swing and more.

The tradition of Tierschau am Schluss, dem Dienstag (3. September), fell to the ground from the waters of the Schweinepest. Als Ersatz is a new theater piece from Hennermann’s Horde for Children in the summer of 2012. You can gain more insight into the use of Autoscooter: Check out Personal Mangel at the Schaustellern. At 22 o’clock you will start working on the wheels in the Frohngrund.

The full program contains more information about the Stadtschreiberfest (August 30) and the Berger Markt (August 31 to September 3) read here. Updates are updated on Facebook.