
New professorships for the Hasso-Plattner-Institut: Niclas Böhmer and Helene Kretzmer search and learn at HPI

New professorships for the Hasso-Plattner-Institut: Niclas Böhmer and Helene Kretzmer search and learn at HPI

Potsdam (OTS) –

The joint Digital Engineering faculty of the Hasso-Plattner-Institutes and the University of Potsdam started a new professorship in September and October as a new professor. The HPI supports the new Tenure-Track professors, who young Forschende-Relations in a frühen-stadium in the erasure of carriere-self-studies and lessons on a verlässliche basis of buying. Niclas Böhmer is a member of HPI at the Forschungscluster “Data and AI”, Helene Kretzmer at the Forschungscluster “Digital Health”.

Niclas Böhmer led the field of “Algorithmic decision-making and society” from September 1st. The algorithms working as a postdoctoral fellow and at Harvard University, have conducted a study on the topic of “AI for Social Good”. If the HPI technology is concerned with the sale of information technology, this is possible. Neben AI solutions for the public good are fairness and transparency of AI-based solutions to algorithms for problems, in finding a disinterested interest in a role-playing game, which is an example of the central study of study places. At 26 years old, Niclas Böhmer is one of the young professors of Germany.

On October 1, Helene Kretzmer will be a professor at HPI, part of the “Computational Genomics” department. They will come together with the Bioinformatics department and try to use the Group Leader in “Computational Genomics” at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics. It is a question of another with the epigenetic genome regulation, also of the mastery of the art and well-being, which is a generation in man. Here it is so that algorithms and methods are a simplification of the regulations that determine the molecular patterns and subsequent steps, so that an analysis is created that makes credits possible, because they can be strengthened. Ben HPI with Helene Kretzmer started working on the analysis and analysis of algorithms for classification and analysis of the Krankheiten-legen.

Prof. Tobias Friedrich, HPI-Geschäftsführer and Dean of the joint Digital Engineering Faculty of the HPI and the Uni Potsdam: “We are happy, young people during the Tenure Track at HPI, a new career in the academic world – and have a long life.” Perspective that Helene Kretzmer and Niclas Böhmer, with their great efforts for the future, can rely on information technology for our company and healthcare.”

Kurzprofil Hasso-Plattner-Institut

The Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) in Potsdam is the German University’s Center of Excellence for Digital Engineering ( The joint Digital Engineering faculty of the HPI and the University of Potsdam has reached a duration of 800 study days. With the bachelor’s degree program “IT Systems Engineering”, the digital engineering faculty can include a different practice and software-oriented computer science study. In the three master’s degree programs “IT Systems Engineering”, “Digital Health”, and “Computer Science” an independent study can be carried out. In the CHE college rankings, the Digital Engineering faculty is placed on the top spot. The HPI School of Design Thinking, the short d-school is Europe’s first Innovation School for students following the lead of the Stanford and a large number of 160 places for a supplementary study. The HPI School of Entrepreneurship, the short E-School, supports and motivates study, the potential unternehmerische ways of thinking and acting that you recognize and find useful. A stronger focus is on the transfer of ideas and digital technologies into customer- and market-oriented products and startups. There are 22 professors and professors and 50 other classes and a dozen tasks at the HPI started. It is an excellent university for Research – in part of the research schools in the HPI research schools for doctoral studies with their Research subsidiaries in Kapstadt (South Africa) and Irvine (California), where they collaborate with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), at Stanford University and there Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Health at Mount Sinai (HPI-MS) in New York. The focus of HPI teaching and research is the Foundations and Applications of larger, more complex and networked IT systems. Let the Development and Research come useful and oriented Innovations for all areas of life.

The Hasso Plattner Institute is a lighthouse project of the Hasso Plattner Foundation, which is concerned with the deep overseas, innovative and Bildung positive social walking effects can. The wiring of the HPI is exemplary for this mission. You cannot undertake projects in the area of ​​science and Bildung if the foundation is in the area of ​​social and nature protection that includes art and culture.