
Journal Frankfurt Nachrichten – Streik auf Frachtmaschinen ausgeweitet

Journal Frankfurt Nachrichten – Streik auf Frachtmaschinen ausgeweitet

The area at the Lufthansa Tour Discover, the Frankfurter Flughafen, was announced: Now you can reach the Freight Flight signal.

Update, August 29: The Streik at the Frankfurter Flughafen has been expanded: The Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) of the Pilotenschaft of the Flotte Airbus A 321P2F of Lufthansa Cityline GmbH in the Zeitraum from 6:00 PM to 11:59 PM Uhr zur Arbeitsniederlegung auf. Influenced by the Fluge von Frachtflugzeugen, the Unternehmen is not affected by other pilots.

Roads Streik Flugausfälle bis Freitag – auch in Frankfurt

Update, August 27: The streak at Discover has begun. The rates of the VC and the suspension of the Flugbegleiter Organization (UFO) with Verdi are no longer of interest. The streak shall continue until Friday. Flights must be counted in this time with exits. A speaker of UFO fights the beginning of the battle in the night. Affected since all exits from Germany.

Discover the region and Flugausfälle möglichst abfangen

The flights for the flight will probably keep the airline small and simplified, so that the flight may now offer more possibilities. Find out what passages there are, regularity in the status of your flights and contact data in your back book. During the four-day stretch the company plans to fly approximately 270 flights from Frankfurt and Munich, both on the short, medium and long stretch.

If there is a disturbance in the air, there is no disturbance. The UFO research with the Umverteilung of Flügen on other Konzerngesellschaften of Lufthansa. There will be no more consequences for the Auswirkungen des Streiks.

Streiktijdtraum is a celebration

Update, August 26: The Pilotengewerkschaften VC and a hanging UFO machine in Androhungen von Streiks wahr. On the day of service (August 27), the decisions of the airlines of the Discover-Airlines will be made during the four-day work period, as well as in the short term. Affected by an eruption in the Bundesgebiet.

During the war a war has begun, while the protection of the labor camps has ended. Grund for the Streik is the Conflikt of VC and UFO with the Gewerkschaft Verdi, the rates for Pilots and Flugbegleiter at the Fluggesellschaft rates.

VC and UFO introduce themselves Verdi

Inhaltlich würden sich the Forderungen of VC and UFO black kaum zu denen von Verdi unterscheiden. Both Spartengewerkschaften wollen jedoch own Tarifwerke durchsetzen. Verdi recruits them for, themselves vom Lufthansa-Management as Tariffpartner eingesetzt has its welding, based on the Gewerkschaft in Flugbetrieb der Airline gar nicht generous hätte.

Update, August 21: „Unbefristete Arbeitskampfmaßnahmen since at least once again possible.“ So stay in a Mitteilung der Pilotengewerkschaft VC zur Tarif-Situation on the Lufthansa-Tochter Discover Airlines. It is stimulated by a Wahlbeteiligung of 90 Prozent more than 80 Prozent dafür, the rates are charged by VC weiterzuverfollowgen – and that is not easy with Streiks.

“The Mitglieder der Vereinigung Cockpit has more entschieden with the other, that they are not hinnehmen were, that the Arbeitgeberseite über ihre Köpfe hindweg Tarifverträge with einer ihr genehmen Gewerkschaft abschließt,” says Marcel Gröls, Vorsitzender Tarifpolitik der VC. The company is the Ansicht, the rates calculated with Verdi can produce an irregular lasse of the Arbeitgebers.

Also with the Flugbegleitergewerkschaft UFO-stimmten über 90 Prozent Arbeitskämpfen zu.

Streiks Drohen am Frankfurter Flughafen

First registration, August 9: For four years founded holiday flight company Discover Airlines herrscht thick air. The tour company of Lufthansa, the flight from Munich or Frankfurt at the start, can still be hit in that summer of Streiks. The Pilotengewerkschaft VC in Donnerstag-Abend has started on August 8. There are a number of Urabstimmung-stattfinden, in one of the following cases, a care insurer. As soon as the UFO with Streik in action.

The bottom line is that such a tariff contract at Discover has never been paid. In the background, Lufthansa has called on the competitor, the Gewerkschaft Verdi, geführt. Lufthansa is finally separated by the gewerkschaftliche vertetung. The VC is this Wahl that is struck by a man who all conversations and other years continues with the VC and for many people.

Vereinigung Cockpit: Scharfe Kritik und Androhung von Streik

The separation of Lufthansa’s management, a rate for Discover-Pilots and -Pilotinnen with the VC-abzulehnen, is “völliges” Unverständnis with the VC. Damit würde der Willen der Belegschaft nach een vrij Wahl der gewerkschaftlichen Vertretung negoriert, erklärt der VC. “We have been trading for over half a year now, since we have always had the right to work together and have constructed a single tariff solution for the cockpit management of our discovered equipment,” says Andreas Pinheiro, Chairman of VC.

If you look at the VC, there is a social partner of the Lufthansa Group who has no idea of ​​Schritt anymore; not nachvollziehbar. If you appeal to another claim of the VC, you can categorize a tariff in a different way, while you continue in the summer and get the chance to understand the chairman of the VC.

This UFO is reprehensible and dry with Streik

Once the UFO organization charges Lufthansa, the separation after a longer period of time is considered undemocratic. Streiks schließt de Gewerkschaft ebenfalls nicht aus. The Gewerkschaft will beweisen, that at Discover-Airlines more Mitglieder hat as Verdi. “Uns bleibt nur der Weg, einen Tarifvertrag zu erstreiken”, explains Harry Jaeger, Leiter Tarifpolitik at UFO in Interview with t-online.