
Dr. SIM: Günstige D2-Tarife with additional approval – Action ends

Dr. SIM: Günstige D2-Tarife with additional approval – Action ends

At the end of 2022, the mobility bot of “Dr. SIM” and the start. The saying of the clearmobility mark: “We write Spartarife.” Typical for the providers are the relatively low prices and a self-invented marking. With COMPUTER IMAGES it is possible that Dr.-SIM-Tarife gets a prize and the price-performance ratio including running action is einzuordnen ist.

Dr. SIM: Tarife mit en ohne Laufzeit

The offer is at first glance überzichtlich. To choose from there are three tariffs with or without running time. If you know that the data volumes have been expanded to the Beispiel “Dr. SIM Allnet Flat 20 GB LTE”. Regular costs for the three tariffs 9.99 Euro, 14.99 Euro respectively 19.99 Euro. If you want to select another variant of the term, you can offer Dr. SIM the connection fee in the amount of 19.99 Euro, which – or a promotion – again falls under the monthly cost variants. For all gold-plated tariffs: In addition, flat rates for telephony and SMS connect EU roaming drin. Realize the tariff on LTE-Netz from Vodafone (D2) with a speed of 50 Megabit Pro Sekunde (Mbps) when downloading and 25 Mbps when uploading. The Rufnummermitnahme is free.

Nur noch bis September 1, 2024, 11:59 PM: The action costs 30 gigabytes at a rate of 3 euros per month. The saved Ground purchase is gold-plated for new closed Delayed Duration. If you have a rate of 40 gigabytes, you can save costs on 5G mobility. If the flexible rate of the Anschlusspreis falls in the height of 19.99 euros.

Dr.-SIM-Tarife with Laufzeit (24 months)

  • Dr. SIM Allnet Flat 20 GB LTE for 9.99 Euro
  • Dr. SIM Allnet Flat 30 GB LTE for 11.99 Euro statt 14.99 Euro
  • Dr. SIM Allnet Flat 40 GB 5G for 19.99 Euro

Dr.-SIM-Tarife ohne Laufzeit (monatlich kündbar)

  • Dr. SIM Allnet Flat 20 GB LTE for 9.99 Euro
  • Dr. SIM Allnet Flat 30 GB LTE for 11.99 Euro statt 14.99 Euro
  • Dr. SIM Allnet Flat 40 GB 5G for 19.99 Euro

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Dr.-SIM-Tarif with no additional payment, no Anschlusspreis

Dr. SIM in price comparison

Gemessen and the Provider tariffs (in the fall Vodafone CallYa) can calculate the smallest tariff for the normal price of 9.99 Euro at a given time. The CallYa Allnet Flat S with a price of 10 to 20 Gigabyte data volumes with. The Vodafone Marke SIMon mobile This is a personal choice: Here you get 15 GB for € 8.99 including 5G support. If you want to use the 14.99 Euro CallYa Allnet Flat M with 20 Gigabytes, you can also pay the same Dr. SIM tariff of 30 Gigabytes for the purchase. The CallYa Digital with 30 Gigabytes for 20 euros, Dr. SIM offers the “Allnet Flat 40 GB LTE” tariff has been increased – with more data volumes for 19.99 euros. The CallYa tariffs are set to price-performance ratios for the short term. The most important thing is that you can stop using free minutes from Germany in other EU networks when you use 5G-Funk. If you can see this Vodafone pre-sales view, you can go to Dr. SIM for more data volumes for money.

The Krux with the Gutschrift

How TECHBOOK Note that trading with Dr. SIM is not a party. Statistics are erggeben sich die ausgewissenenen Preise by a monetary Gutschrift in the amount of 10 Euro, which is wanted after the Mindestlaufzeit. Gut: The information is not included in the product information, but is in the transparent notes. Dr. SIM has thus got an idea of ​​the infrastructure that the infrastructure of the clear mobilization has developed, through which the costs are calculated and the price rates can be calculated first.

Registration: Dr.-SIM-Tariff

The tariff market has risen sharply and all settings are not yet selected. Large parts can no longer be filled with data volumes and prices, but can also not be celebrated. That poses the question: What could Dr. SIM do differently and was the only man so happy? Very clear: weighing the ansprechenden Gigabyte-pro-Euro-Verhaeltnisses, that is what we do Vodafone CallYa Rates alts is less fun, and a new action is even more exciting as a son. So if you activate the Anschlusspreis at the flexible Variants (from 19.99 Euro) – a great opportunity, Dr. SIM einfach mal auszuprobieren. Die alternative SIMon mobile If the tariff on D2-Netz has fallen, it will be easier to work with 5G in the future. It is then one of the problems with the Dr.-SIM tariffs: here the modern mobility standard is not so big.

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