
Elli Genzmer from Templin feert 101. Geburtstag

“Not here, here sits my son!” Elli Genzmer from Templin, also in the wooden age of 101 years, where everyone hangs. Mayor Detlef Tabbert (BWS) took a photo and a small photo a while ago. While the town hall is not more than 100 years old, it is now not more than 101 years ago. Birthday offers personal free arrival, which increases the high temperature of the Templiner. Finally, on this holiday you look even younger and more pregnant than a year ago.

Elli Genzmer evolves even with 101 no self

Even the summer heat is no longer in the house. “That’s not what I want”, said resolutely. “I’m still sitting there draußen.” If the binding agent on my ground piece is the Blumensträuße very personally, then the draußen will be placed on the Bank for the Customers. If you see people from the bank from the past, you can put the euro in the chest of the legends. If the people go over the sträusse freuen, then the power is lucky.

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“And it is a fact that there is no description of something that is so beautiful, if man is so old”, said son Jürgen Genzmer. On the day before the birthday Elli Genzmer has neither childcare nor hairdresser come. As a rule he bought his own lunch, he could buy his evening bread and breakfast himself. But on the birthday he goes with the family to Shanty. I think that I am in Aspik and Aal nearby, see your children. A home support helps with the big Sachen.

Everything from the garden comes into the Kochtopf

Seine Schwiegermutter neither from another generation, it is clear to Karsten Müller that Elli Genzmer was so young. Sie habe ihr Leben lang always fresh bought, was from the Garten kam. Möhren- und Kohlrabieintopf, lecker. And it’s been a very long time since Blut was spent. It may happen that there is a problem. Nun as Hausfrau, in the hospital as a kitchen or später in a Mosterei. Früher war is for the whole family. It is the family that is senior in Hilfe Braucht.

Bürgermeister Detlef Tabbert receives a reward for the Templinerin Elli Genzmer on 101. Geburtstag.

Bürgermeister Detlef Tabbert receives a reward for the Templinerin Elli Genzmer on 101. Geburtstag. (Photo: Sigrid Werner)