
Rollstuhlbasketball: Deutschland starts with Niederlage

Rollstuhlbasketball: Deutschland starts with Niederlage

The German Rollstuhlbasketball-Nationalmannschaft with a German Niederlage became top favorite Great Britain in the Paralympic Games that have started. At 55:76 (25:32) the team of Bundestrainer Michael Engel German started with a light ball lust and lost in the ring at the Anschluss. Matthias Güntner war in the Bercy Arena with 19 German hit-safety stars.

“We have since had a bad day, but we have a good comeback. The British have already responded to all our demands,” said Engel: “We could learn more, because we were able to survive in such an atmosphere.” The Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier caused war and spoiled the Mannschaft, which the Bundestrainer saw as “a great world economy for the Jungs”.

Steinmeier sah zunächst einen misslungenen Start deutschen Auswahl, die von Beginn gegen einen Rückstand anspielte. After the first four hours there is an 8:18 on the Anzeige table. If a Leistungssteigerung kam Deutschland ran, first in four weeks Abschnitt drehte der Olympia-Dritte von Tokyo and Rio auf.

Both weiteren Gruppengegner sind Gastgeber Frankreich (Samstag/9.30 PM) and Canada (Montag/4.00 PM). A separation in the previous round is not possible, in the third game it is completely the outcome in the four finals. Dort treen de eight Mannschaften jeweils über Kreuz gegen de Teams van de gruppe en. Letztmals won the German men a Paralympic Medal in 1992.