
School: Schweitzer: Geldbeutel darf nicht über Bildung entscheiden

School: Schweitzer: Geldbeutel darf nicht über Bildung entscheiden

The Rhineland-Palatinate Prime Minister Alexander Schweitzer (SPD) has an honest and soul-oriented representation of the money with the debt start-up program for social children and youth activities. “Der Geldbeutel der Eltern does not go further than the Bildung der Kinder entscheiden”, says Schweitzer in Mainz after Startschuss des Programms. “This Mittel was not presented in a Gießkanne, without any problems, but the structure of the structure is large.”

200 Schools in Rhineland-Palatinate benefit from Startchancen-Programm. Your life will depend on your half of the Bund and the country’s finances. In Rhineland-Palatinate, Stehen generates 100 million euros per year for the following years. These schools provide money for, among other things, more know-how, multi-professional teams that provide better learning.

Among the 200 schools, which cover all the Landkreise and Städte von Rheinland-Pfalz, being 120 Grundschulen. There are 46 Real Schools plus, a number of secondary schools, eleven integrated Gesamtschulen, eight Real Schools plus with Fachoberschule, two Basic and Real Schools plus one Basic and Main School jeweils with a high school background for children and youth and their programs.

The debtor can not loosen all the bedding and the “problem in a world, which are still under water”, concrete of the Regierungschef. It is an upgrading of the Gemeinschaft. You can call the Startkans program a Rahmen. “It is great that the debtor and the social organization with one, also Familie, Vereine, Institutionen, work together.”

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