
Bettina Leybold is the new Leiterin des Frische Seminar, …

Bettina Leybold is the new Leiterin des Frische Seminar, …

Bettina Leybold is the new leader of the Frisian Seminar, of the Bildungsplattform of the Deutschen Fruchthandelsverbandes eV (DFHV).

Bettina Leybold specializes in long-term marketing and marketing management. “I am happy with the exciting reform, in the Frisian Seminar, with the ungeheure Vielfalt des Obst- und Gemüsebereichs und des Fruchthandels abzubilden.” Unterstützt would be in the organization as bishop of Corinna Herhaus and Otto Brandenburg. Frau Leybold followed Susanne Koning’s further training and attended the Frisian Seminar for 14 years. / Photo: DFHV

Source and contact address:
(DFHV) Deutscher Fruchthandelsverband eV Pressestelle Bergweg 6, 53225 Bonn Telephone: (0228) 911450, Fax: (0228) 9114545

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