
Hautkrebsdiagnose ohne Gewebbeprobe: Forscher erhalten Helmholtz-Preis

Hautkrebsdiagnose ohne Gewebbeprobe: Forscher erhalten Helmholtz-Preis

Researchers from the Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) and the University Medical Center Rostock have had a trial, the large high-risk insurers have three-dimensional images of the early stage and can recognize them. For the development of the Hautkrebsscanners, the team of Prof. Dr. Bernhard Roth from the Hannover Center for Optical Technology and Prof. Dr. Steffen Emmert from the University Medical Center Rostock has become a member during the Helmholtz Prize 2024.


A prize of 20,000 euros is paid and prize notices are offered in the Grundlagenforschung and in the old Messtechnik-vergeben. The prize award of the Rahmen der 24. Internationalen Meßtechnischen Konföderation (IMEKO) in Hamburg, since 1958.

The interdisciplinary team of Medicine and Physics has introduced a system “for the three-dimensional formation of the body structure including the protection of both the acquired invasion points and the good or harmful effects of the body lesions” at LUH. Bisher war is a medical issue, a surgical surgical and histological examination, a special of the black head cancer (melanoma) for the diagnosis. The new system is light of a non-invasive melanoma diagnostics – fast and by laser scan from outside.

The system combines four different messages in one device: the optical cochlear tomography (OCT), the Raman spectroscopy (RS), the photoacoustic tomography (PAT) which includes the high-frequency ultrasonic imaging (VS). On the western laser base system there are light messages that show the exhibition limits for the human body. Clinical studies are being worked on and more patients and patients are being tested. If the data base is larger, an AI software is trained, a higher diagnosis in real diagnoses for your company.

If you follow more clinical studies. Soul is the system as a medicinal product to purify, it is impossible to spend time in the practice of the einsatz kommen kann. “In the early stages, more than 90 percent of those affected can die a year after the start of treatment”, he is vom Exzellenzcluster “PhoenixD: Photonics, Optics, Engineering – Innovation across Disciplines” of LUH, which is a digital option for Zukunft.

Hautscan apps may be available at the early recognition of Hautkrebs. If you use other algorithms for data collection, a picture of Hautflecken that analyzes and uses the notes to warn. Powerful AI systems are working on thousands of different Hautkrebsformen pictures and harmful Leberflecken training.
