
Mussie Imnetu: Star-Koch at Angriff lebensgefährlich verletzt

Mussie Imnetu: Star-Koch at Angriff lebensgefährlich verletzt

In the international gastro industry he bought his Mussie Imnetu stars with Gordon Ramsay and Marcus Wareing and the Spitze – now a camp of the 41 years after a brutal scare in the Herzen of London in his life.

  • Watch Star-Koch: Mussie Imnetu lebensgefährlich verletzt nach Angriff
  • Gastro-College von Gordon Ramsay in London offensive and severely injured
  • Londoner Police search Sows after examination Dead a Spitzenkoch (41)

Große Sorge um Mussie Imnetu: Der aus Schweden stamende Spitzenkoch, der bereits mit Gastro-Größen wie Gordon Ramsay or Marcus Wareing sisterammenarbeitete, schwebt in Lebensgefahr. Der 41-Jährige wurde, so the message is different from the British one “Sun”where a few Aufenthalts in Great Britain in the Herzen of London angegriffen and lebensgefährlich verletzt.

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Star-Koch Mussie Imnetu nach brutalem Angriff in Lebensgefahr

How is that? “Sun” writes, the Star-Cook living in Dubai was found in Great Britain. On Monday, August 26, 2024, Mussie Imnetu lost at 1:00 PM at the “Arts Club” in Dover Street in London’s Mayfair. When the time of the Spitzenkoch had all passed and a blue T-shirt, black jeans and a cap had become. A few hours later, around 10:30 PM, Mussie Imnetu in Queensway, in the north of Hyde Park, is found unhindered in a restaurant, before there is a stunde später in an unhindered place, which has consumed the financing of the business.

Polizisten fanden Spitzenkoch met lebensgefährlichen Kopfverletzungen

Strip police officers, who grew up in the following statistics of Notting Hill Carnival were on the way, found Mussie Imnetu was impressed and with a severe head injury before. The bundles were as good as the first Aid, who initiated a rescue vehicle and brought the 41-year-olds to the hospital.

Polizei-deelt Festnahme nach versuchtem Mord an Mussie Imnetu

In particular, from the London Metropolitan Police, one of the first reports is: a 31-year-old man will have a Tatverdacht-fest. The mutatis mutandis tat is being procured in exchange for such murder. The fear for the joy of life of man is that psychological help is being offered, he is es.

Sows urgent sighs: Who were the Star-Koch because in London angegriffen?

The feast of the Trotz is that the London police continue with Sows, the Angaben zum Tatgeschehen am späten Abend des 26. August machen können. Zum fraglich Zeitpunkt sei das Londoner Viertel in Norden de Hyde Park überdurchschnittlich belebt gewesen, als de Themsemetropol the alljährlich in August stattfindenden Notting Hill Carnival feierte. Van Zeugenaussagen will be present at the Police during the Hinweise darauf, we will be present between 1:00 PM and 10:30 PM and we will visit the Spitzenkoch womöglich with other persons. Please contact or in Streit geriet. Under the brand name, it concerns unidentified persons, who express their anger at Mussie Imnetu beobachteten and their prevented deformations.

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