
Islamismus beim Zentralrat? Nach Solingen Verbands-Chef responds wholeheartedly to Vorwürfe

Islamismus beim Zentralrat? Nach Solingen Verbands-Chef responds wholeheartedly to Vorwürfe

After the mutmaßlich Islamist Anschlag in Solingen focused on the Blicke auch auf de muslimische Gemeinschaft in Deutschland. Is it fun to believe in the name of your religion – or use it for this reason?

FOCUS online hat with Abdassamad El Yazidi is available. There is the Vorsitz of the Islamic Muslims in June that Vorgänger Aiman ​​​​Mazyek took over. Der Zentralrat is one of the largest Islamic Dachverbände in Germany.

FOCUS online: Herr El Yazidi, in the press conference of the Central Council for the Annunciation in Solingen, man is shocked by the Tat and mourns with the Respondents of the Sacrifice. In Solingen and elsewhere the Muslim is insulted, life goes on – for example, the demonstration is compensated in the name of Islam. Why did that not happen?

Abdassamad El Yazidi: If it is not good, it is not safe. In the active debates the most changing people and groups of verantwoordwortungsprechen.

The responsibility for a fried Miteinander is a gesamtgesellschaftliche. The Moscheegemeinden are a bit vorbildlichen Einsatz. If there is no more radical radicalization, this is authorized responsible. Leader could say that the central council mocks and ruins the Anschlag.

Continue to get a drink and it’s done. As Bürgerinnen and Bürger in Germany they can also offer Anschlags. Der Terrorist could probably see more people, there is no retrospective on Glauben or Herkunft-genommen. The organization, who wants to, can become more Muslims as people of others.

“Will Terror Organizations not exist, in their own names”

See meinen the sogenannten Islamic State. In the press conference you will not find any Wort zur mutmaßlich Islamist Motivation from Täters. Why are you living with your own Islam, but so important? Detail ausgespart?

El Yazidi: It is a bislang that is now a mutmasliches Motiv. You can find in the press conference the possibilities and the presentation of the tat in the foreground gestellt.

Auch ihr Vorgänger as Zentralratsvorsitzender, Aiman ​​​​Mazyek, hat in seinen Stellungnahmen zum Messerangriff in Mannheim in Mai das Tatmotiv außen for wellassen. In both cases it is a very serious individual attack, the attack has taken place on an Islamist background.

El Yazidi: If a terrorist organization will not help anymore, I will repay my name. If you are punished, you will be repaid if you do not have a Deutungshoheit-zumisst. You want to cause the greatest possible bloodshed and thereby split the society.

I think it is the Muslim, the Western integrity is one of the identifications of the country, while it remains that way. I have an idea with my motivation, but another is in that fall.

Extremist Mitglieder? “Aim nothing after Unterstellungen”

Ihr Vorgänger Mazyek wurde von manchen dafür critique, Islamismmus nicht entschieden genug entgegenzutreten. Was this another way to edit this field?

El Yazidi: The previous edit is unfounded. I have done my best to cooperate, even though there is no General Secretary of the Central Council War. We can both after thinking, the extremity of the disease and the community in the community of the enterprise show. Those, who a former shipyard, you could be like that, some of our joint affairs and then the concrete sagen, were still worth many more things.

A Brandmauer can keep an eye on extremism, because he himself is the Gesellschaft, which never compensates an innocent Muslim in Mithaftung for the horrible Taten. Politics and the middle sector can offer a responsibility. Populismus would have no Schritt-vorankomen.

They are also woolen in the comparison of Ihrem Vorgänger nicht anpassen. Is it true that the Union of the Turkish-Islamic Kulturvereine in Europe (Atib) can form part of the Central Muslim Council? The Verfassungsschutz ordnet the Vereinigung the Turkish right-wing extremes Grauen Wölfen zu.

El Yazidi: When the heart is in decay, it is clear to German that it can be that Extremismus arises. We have the German Muslim Community (Anm. d. Ed.: gilt dem Verfassungsschutz als Ableger der Islamisten Muslimbruderschaft) ausgeschlossen en beim Islamic Zentrum Hamburg (Anm. d. Red: verboten mit der Begründung, dass es vom Iran gesteuert ist und verbotensfeindliche Ziele folgt) the membership frozen. The Atib is aimed at forming a purposeful Vorwürfe vor. If you look at the hat, it is transparent of machen. If you now see that some people who have been abused via social media have responded, that may be so.

There is no Verantwortung, there is no general thought or a specific recommendation, but a fried meal is a solution. If you go on the road, you should be the central council of the Muslim. If you start, it is worth having the German identity in the foreground. Statistics are intended to support direct Turkish organizations.

“Wir sehen keine Islamisten Mitgliedsorganisationen”

Is it also an option for you, the Mitgliedschaft so long auszusetzen, is all Zweifel ausgeräumt since?

El Yazidi: You can never use the Mitgliedschaft in the central Muslim council again. We have ended up in the Islamic center of Hamburg, if we have established an Urteil and politics has tried a word. If you are in the Atib business, you can do business. There are no diesel legs that have the Sicherheitsbehörden, the organization of their business operations.

If you are at all wondering whether it has become an Islamist idea in the Zentralrat Mitgliedsorganisations Gibt?

El Yazidi: We see no Islamic ally organizations. If you want something, you can achieve something. There are organizations that have developed a ally, that never have their power, while the end of the market is no longer possible, it is the democratic Ordnung that has been established.

“Unsere Jugendarbeit grimly immunizes against Extremismus”

The Zentralrat writes on the website for information about other aspects of the “Bekämpfung von Extremismus jeglicher Couleur”. Was konkret unternehmen Sie gegen Islamismus?

El Yazidi: When you see a Medienarbeit and Presseilungen purchase, a line of respect is seen towards other religions and all Mitbürgerinnen and Mitbürgern – even in difficult situations.

When the Corona crisis occurs in the Muslim organizations that keep their policies alive, it is possible that people with a certain situation are helped. Our Youth Work offers a strong immunity against Extremismus. The people, who were affected by extremism, were no longer socialist in the internet.

Welcher Anteil in Ihrem Budget flies in de Extremismusbekämpfung?

El Yazidi: Our budget is generally small, but cannot limit the financing of the In- and Ausland. Deshalb cannot be able to work. Our doubt is that we can research the possibilities of the theological fortress or youth. Man, the time in which the job was spent in the course of time, became leader after an unrestrained sale.

“Merz fischt in the Gewässern der AfD”

CDU leader Friedrich Merz has said the attack in Solingen, not the Messer seien das Problem, among the people, who were reunited. It seems that all the refugees, in the Merger of the States, have discovered an Islamist motive. Would you like to perform your analysis and delete the data?

El Yazidi: Mr Merz intervened in the AfD issue and left his life in Reden behind. It is not that the problem no longer exists, but the human being. Aber für si trägtkeine Religionsgemeinschaft eine Verantwortung. We are sollten in Deutschland with a Theology of Mercy anpacken, nicht Ressentiments schüren.

Is it time to take the next steps if the Consequenz aus Solingen does not continue?

El Yazidi: It is a fact that there are a number of state support points that you can reach if you want to go and grab. The precepts, the ones that were just made, must be tried and the sins then be corrected.

“Dürf durch populiste Politik were not punished twice”

The asylum debate that the AfD has stirred up and other right-wing populists who are making gains. Do you have a negative opinion about Muslims in Germany?

El Yazidi: Citizens and citizens would be punished by the Anschlag and never be doubly punished by populist politics. The AfD verbreitet Hass, not only against Muslims, also against Jews and others. If it goes wrong, the Landtag is no longer as good as the AfD. If this party no longer exists, it is a matter of time in the world. It is not as if there is an end to the human taste of the original.

Would you also like to speak out for the CDU, which has no Wahlempfehlung?

El Yazidi: No, the CDU is a democratic party that will see the Vorsitzender and other politicians in the populist future of the future.

Few Muslims would participate and statutory affairs Erdogan-Unterstützer

Firstly, they will be informed about the values ​​of Muslims in a federal environment that is exempt from the burden. Demnach encourages 17 Prozent für Partei Dava. They will follow Turkish Presidents Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Who interprets this annoyance?

El Yazidi: It can often happen that the symptoms and the core of the problem disappear. Was it one of the ergebnis herauslese, then the mittlerweile was a Muslim who established parties choose.

As soon as the new Bundes Sahra Wagenknecht in 17th place is a Muslim, he will be in the first Platz.

El Yazidi: Genau, the establishments of the parts are transferable, such as these Wählerinnen and Wähler zurückgewinnen. My Spalterei does not work anymore.

Dennoch has become a Muslim for the Dava. Manche experts see their Islamist Züge.

El Yazidi: I don’t know the Dava and my structure. When the Frage came up for me, it was a shame that people had won a part of the Turkish battle.

If you use the Finger in a different way, the Finger can point more in a different way. If it is good that part of the interests of the company is threatened, it is a question of an undisputed political party that does not exist, but in Germany the social Muslim community has become an undisputed power and politics.