
There is a problem with the failed Windows version

There is a problem with the failed Windows version

Kaspersky has launched an attack on the attack on 23 percent. There may be problems with removing ransomware by ransomware.

Cybercriminals are busy solving problems with a Windows system. I have been aware of the fear in the quarter of 23 percent in the past. Laut Kaspersky Experts have used these companies and private companies.

“In 2021, there will be one or two tools that have been working lightly for a year, with an attack on ransomware attacks or Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) that appeared in 2023 16,” Kaspersky says with. “The active number of publicly available tools will therefore be at 24.”

Cybercriminals can exploit the risks, a security system that is activated and privileged to be leveled. Through these so-called BYOVD (Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver) threats can be duchführer various harmful activities. If you want to install Kaspersky Ransomware or install it in a system for espionage or sabotage activities. Letzteres fall for all on APT groups.

“If the Treiber itself is legitimate, it can be turned off by Schwachstellen, then the harmful purpose will be removed. By using various tools and methods, a problem has been installed on the system,” says Vladimir Kuskov, Head of Anti-Malware Research at Kaspersky. “If the operating system is at a low level, the fear may be at play, one of the security limits of the OS kernels for your own criminal purpose around. If the basic knowledge of your own tools is increased, these skills can be outdated, while the skills are outdated. “