
BSW warns of potential dangerous refugees in Solingen

BSW warns of potential dangerous refugees in Solingen

Das Berliner BSW übt Kritik am Berliner Senat. There is a problem with the installation of Flüchtlingen in Bezirk Lichtenberg. With a look at Solingen civilization BSW chef Wolf Sorgen.

The Berlin BSW has criticized the possibility of housing over 1,000 refugees in a former hotel in the district of Lichtenberg. If the pressure on the capital’s grand coalition increases, the Wagenknecht party could create its own senate question. The document is available online.

Darin was included in the names of the former Berlin BSW state associations in 16 fragments in 22 a number of themes. In the document of Alexander King is the Rede von 1.200 Flüchtlingen, the City Hotel Berlin East located.

In the fragment catalogue the Berliner BSW is interesting for the demography of the refugees. Fragmented by one of the recommendations of persons in an alternative way. Outside the BSW will erase, from which countries the refugees come.

Berlin’s stellvertretender BSW-Vorsitzender Norman Wolf has criticized the online senate separation for the hotel. There are many people who recommend Flüchtlinge, but do not state a general idea. “Aber nach Solingen is not fallen out, that is one of the gefährliche persons”, said Wolf, the Zugleich BSW-Fraktionschief in Lichtenberg. In Solingen it is first a Mann, the time in which this time punkt, is that he sollend is, while people with a messer get to work.

Watch the fragments from the sister organization of the representation of the Senate and the Betreiber des Hotels states the BSW. The background is with Wolf, that the deal “few behind closed doors without the integration of residents or the district” is made possible. The hotel for refugee purposes, as a pragmatic solution, is berge but “social protection material”, so Wolf continues. A warning for an overload of medical practices and schools is further.