
Finite Light brought into the Blackbox

Finite Light brought into the Blackbox

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Finite Light brought into the Blackbox
Nahrungsmittel has become a deutlich teurer. © dpa

Die Preise von Lebensmitteln has often become opaque. A Bandage will do that.

It is a matter of packing with a price or the list of cost items. There are two ways you can shop and shop in the supermarket in the past years that you can spend on overtime. “The consumer centers have made a year of transitions so that Mogelpackungen could no longer be financed,” says the head of the Federal Association of Consumer Centers (VZBV), Ramona Pop, fest. If you make a price quote, this is a violation. In the price setting, the problem is that the entire connection is linked. In 2023, the total cost of living will rise to 5.9 percent, while people for food must spend 12.4 percent more.

That’s the way it is, nobody knows. “Lebensmittelpreise sind eine Blackbox”, says Pop and will die. The Association advocates an unreliable transparent system that makes a click on the costs of the analysis and its processing. So don’t waste your money and pay more quickly.

Lebensmittelpreise: Diese Ergebnisse wurden nun vorgestellt

Beispiele dafür gibt es in other Ländern bereits, etwa in Frankreich. In the form of this report, the proposal will be submitted for a parliamentary review, including a Liter H-milch for a loading price of 88 cents, 24 cents for construction, 36 cents for labor and 23 cents for trade countries. Dazu kommt noch die Mehrwertsteuer.

“A preisbeobachtungsstelle can engage in unfair practices and thus infringe their premiums on their tax protection,” says Pop. The Federal Government must bring the light to Dunkle. A good Ernährung became more of a Frage des Geldbeutels. Laut Pop was born in Deutschen im Durchschnitt, where now eleven Prozent ihres Budgets für Nahrungsmittel aus. You earn money with an income of 1300 euros in the month that you quickly receive four des purchases.

Since the assessment of the Vorschlags is possible, the Association of the Agricultural Market Information Society (AMI) can also be read. Das Ergebnis would be non-predictable. Danach is een Beobachtung der Preisentwicklung entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette bei Lebensmitteln umsetzbar. “Objektivität und Neutralität sind Voraussetzung für eine breite Akzeptanz der Ergebnisse,” says AMI-Studienautor Hans-Christoph Behr.

Lebensmittel: Wer bekommt eigentlich was von den Einnahmen?

Behr said that the prices for a kilogram of tomatoes in Germany were 2019, as transparent as it could be. People have to pay 2.50 euros from there. 17 cents from there the cashier paid the tax office and the surplus value. Two euros the dealer paid when buying. The power is a gross margin of 42 cents for the supermarket. The purchase of the tomatoes can take the Rohware for 1.17 euros. Absüglich his costs remain 18 cents as margin. If you use landwurtinnen and landwirten, you can get a plus of 16 cents here. If you rest on the costs of the costs, you have to take into account the energy you consume.

View the price of the price adjustment set that lies vor. As soon as the EU has obtained information about the information in question. The Brussels Commission has in April the year that the “Agriculture and Food Chain Observatory” (AFCO) was founded, the price that the EU has earned has increased. The VZBV appeals to the Bundesregierung, as in Brussels for unambiguous reporting duties in the Mitgliedsländern einzusetzen. In Germany, the Transparenzstelle nach Vorstellung des Verbands at the Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft en Ernährung (BLE) will be changed, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Bundeslandwirtschaftsministerium is no longer active. The most important thing is that the Bundesregierung does not allow any changes.

Darüber sees Pop still on a field handling contract. It is therefore important that the best data are provided on the costs and expenses that are covered, and by the notification. Ziel ist the cooperation with agricultural and agricultural economic organizations, one of the earlier dates of the machine. The achievement of market observation should then be merged once and for all in a report to the Bundestag.