
These are suitable for all Chrome Nutzer

These are suitable for all Chrome Nutzer

Google has set a new version for the Chrome browser for: The extended sync synchronization can be performed by a German useless system. Ziel ist, the protected link on stored passwords and other sensible data to be transmitted.

Google Chrome improves Password processing

Google has a founding legend Änderung bei der Verwaltung von Passwörtern and others Nutzerdaten in Chrome vorgestellt. The bishery synchronizations are carried out by a waspenneel einfacheres ersetzt. Künftig müssen sich Nutzer nur noch einmal in ihrem Google-Konto reportsa specified Password and Zahlungsinformationen Zugreifen zu können.

Bisher war the Synchronization der Nutzerdaten in Chrome ein Zweistufiger Prozess. Follow the registration on Google It is necessary that the synchronization is activated separatelySince 2009 the system works even better, it is intuitive.

Google will verify that the results are correct: the same Notification in Drittanbieter-Apps with the Google button So you can always log in and write more. Chrome automatically displays the data on (Quelle: Google Chromium Blog).

For Android Nutzer have been tested Lesson settings, settings and synchronization of the lessons. The synchronization of the translations and the offset tabs can be added optionally. Nutzer können weiterhin selbst divorced, ob sie diese daten in de Geräten austauschen möchten or nicht.

Chrome Sync: iOS Takes Charge of the Anfang

The new Chrome sync is now available for iOS-Nutzer. Android and the desktop versions of Chrome are being tracked. A concrete date for the complete removal of the other synchronization models is nevertheless no party. Long duration is no longer necessary.

Was the power a gutes password? The Antwort gift is in the video:

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