
Fragmented by all the activities in the Wertschöpfungskette

Fragmented by all the activities in the Wertschöpfungskette

„Zukunft ohne Verpackung or Verpackung mit Zukunft? – Zukunftsszenarien des Lebensmittelhandels“. Darüber sprachen Firmen aus Verpackungsindustrie und Lebensmittelhandel. Eingeladen hatten Plattform Verpackung mit Zukunft und Alpbach Upper Austria.

Robert Spevak, Sandra Pechac, Katharina Keimelmayr, Karl Hagspiel, Michael Richter

Suchten nach Antworten: Robert Spevak (Metro Österreich), Sandra Pechac (Plattform Verpackung mit Zukunft), Katharina Keimelmayr (Nestlé Österreich), Karl Hagspiel (Alpla Group), Michael Richter (Club Alpbach Upper Austria), vl (Image: Platform Verpackung mit Zukunft)

The Ausgangslage is over: the cuts in air conditioning that are sparking criticism at the center of the general debate. Your repairs, packaging and transport are also the basis for the production of emissions. Daraus does the question arise: Should we look at packaging? Although it may not be so, a full-fledged insight is a reconstruction still never necessary. Do you suffer from the climate protection with the packaging and the protection of the packaging during the packaging overview in Einklang?

The Antwort is located in the Kreislaufwirtschaft

The platform packaging with the Zukunft and its Mitgliedsunternehmen continuation of the Vision, a Kreislaufwirtschaft in Österreich voranzutreiben and the Know-how über Packaging with unjustified Zielgruppen zu starken. For the 25th century, which is on the platform of the new platform, the transformation of a linear Wirtschaft proposes its own credit models that have a high priority. Sandra Pechac from the Concrete Platform: “We have to find ways to ensure that the packaging is well developed and that the functions can be improved. A Kreislaufwirtschaft has had many reported problems here, so the climate protection also covers the environmental protection.”

Alpla invests heavily in mechanical recycling

As a packaging specialist, Alpla is committed to the Wertschöpfungskette. Karl Hagspiel, Senior Circular Economy Expert: “Already based on innovative technologies and long-term expertise, packaging and packaging will continue to evolve.” of plastic packaging and subsequently become the worst packaging repairer. The company invests heavily in mechanical recycling and combines its own recycling expertise, a high degree of recycling of PET (rPET) and recycling of HDPE (rHDPE) for production under the Marke Alplarecycling. By 2025, the first part of post-consumer material (PCR) will be available in a product palette with a minimum value of 25%. A filter packaging is the PET bottle for the mineral water marke packaging, which is 90% lighter than glass bottles, a 30% reduced CO2 emission and 30% recycled PET material, with the highest quality, which can be sustained 12 times.

Nestlé such great solutions for more enjoyable life

Katharina Keimelmayr, Head of Corporate Affairs & Marketing at Nestlé Austria, says the company has outlined the issues, one of which is to shape packaging more sustainably: “We use packaging that brings our food safely and hygienically to our customers. These investments cannot be made at the expense of the planet. Vielmehr is an opportunity for us to buy, buy and invest in an innovative solution for more sustainability in the packaging industry to find.” The company’s goal is that by 2025, more than 95% of the packaging will be recycled or reused. It may be that a percentage of previous years will be used, recycling or compostable packaging with a value of 86.6%. In the 2018 report, the einsatz of Neuplastik was quickly reduced by 15%. The use of plastic packaging or welding away makes it possible to no longer use packaging elements during the packaging of alternative packaging materials for recycling or the recycling of recyclable materials. The Nestlé packaging strategy is based on the processing of the non-composite packaging and recycling infrastructure, so that the right packaging materials are used on the pages of the consumer and consumer products.

Metro setzt auch auf Reduce, reuse and recycle

Robert Spevak, Abteilungsleiter Revision & Sicherheit bei Metro Österreich, concrete de Verantwortung seines Unternehmens at the Förderung nachhaltigen Konsums: “If a large trade deals with a special Verantwortung. Durch Resammenarbeit mit Lieferanten and concrete initiatives could be achieved with significant reduction in packaging costs in our delivery packages.” Metro Make sure you are intensively engaged in the implementation of the control by the reduction of food waste and packaging waste. If you optimize your own business, you can reduce the Commodity Tax and the Non-normative Fruit and Vegetable Directive to a minimum, while working together with tables and common organizations, to spend an überschüssige Lebensmittel as Mahlzeiten. This is a strong reduction of packaging waste during the “3R” principle (reduce, reuse, recycle) and the #Metro-Plastic-Fighters initiative mobilizes employees for sustainable operations with clean-up actions and the promotion of reusable packaging.

Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel

In the Handlingsspielraum the companies and members of the Packaging Platform are placed in the background with future initiatives and projects on the creation of district-based packaging. The war is a fact, but it is a functioning district-based economy that deals with all the implications of the Wertschöpfungskette, so that industry and trade work as politics and consumerism. Now that we all see strange things, the problems that a district-based economy brings with it can be realized.

About the Platform Packaging with Delivery:

As a “Plattform Verpackung mit Zukunft”, 25 international agricultural companies are affiliated with the Verpackungswertschöpfungskette in je Kräfte. From recycling workers to recyclers, from packaging workers to recycling companies. The Mitglieder der Platform-glauben is a source of information about the packaging, which is sinful and notorious. Unser Ziel ist the Establishment one of the functional Kreislaufwirtschaft, in der no value material is lost. It is worth reducing, waste disposal and recycling of packaging.

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