
Unfall or der Sabotage?: Officer of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Getted

Unfall or der Sabotage?: Officer of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Getted

Accident or sabotage?
Officer of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards jailed

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The Revolutionary Gardens are the elite of the Iranian armed forces. Laut Staatsmedien come jetzt two Offiziere der Garden at a Gasleck in a Fabrik ums Leben. Zehn weitere Manner was lost.

The official agency of the powerful Revolutionary Guard has informed the state media in Iran through a gas leak that he was being heard. The disaster was being prepared on Wednesday in a factory in the central province of Isfahan, where state media were reporting.

Around six further ways should be injured in the production center or elite line power. It is a sabotage or a failed deal, it is not clear. While the Toten acts is one of the Oberstleutnant Mochtar Morschedi and the Hauptmann Mojdschtaba Nasari, who has worked in the state media.

In Isfahan you will find some important insights into the Iranian rust industry. The large nuclear power plant center of the countries is located in the cultural city. The urban war with a rage on a military point begins on the Schauplatz of the Spaniards with the Erzfeind Israel.

At the end of January 2023, the war of a Factory of the Defense Ministries after the Metropole Isfahan with more small Fluggeräten became bigger. The Iran would enter the fight against Israel as an attack for the responsible power of the attack.