
Pharma Deutschland strengthens itself in four Schlüsselbe…

Pharma Deutschland strengthens itself in four Schlüsselbe…

(Bonn) – The strongest pharmaceutical association in Germany, Pharma Deutschland, is strengthening its personnel resources in four central areas since September. The new staff brings with them extensive experience and in-depth know-how, a position of the trade unions in general health care, EU politics, specific therapy directions and a strong increase in power.

“The challenges in an unreliable sector, and with the new developments that continue, are the interesting companies in the separate areas that do not offer any concessions and innovative solutions,” says Dorothee Brakmann, Hauptgeschäftsführerin von Deutschland .

Dr. Antje Behring starts with the Abteilung “Innovative Gesundheitsversorgung”

Dr. Antje Behring was introduced in September by the “Innovative Health Care” department and led the department leader Lutz Boden reports. Dr. Behring has conducted a study on his Tätigkeit in the Bundesauzenchuss (G-BA) with, since 2011 in the department Arzneimittel Tätig War, will continue in 2020 as department leader. With your expertise, the largest part of the development of the Bereich innovation in the Association becomes larger.

Henrik Reimer übernimmt Leitung des Brüsseler Büros

On September 1, 2024, Henrik Reimer passed away at the Leitung des Brüsseler Büros of Pharma Deutschland. Reimer, in Brüssel since 2018, is an extensive network organization within politics and the EU administration, which has developed a new position by Michael Hennrich, Geschäftsführer Politik des Verbandes, reports. Zuletzt-war Reimer as Büroleiter des CDU-Wirtschaftsrats in Brüssel tätig.

Dr. Nicole Armbrüster has Abteilung “Spezielle Produktgruppen, Pharmazeutische Technology/GMP, Medizinprodukte, Umwelt”

With Dr. Nicole Armbrüster has the department “Spezielle Produktgruppen, Pharmazeutische Technology/GMP, Medizinprodukte, Umwelt” new expertise in the specific product groups, afterhrungsergänzungsmittel as well as Arzneimittel for Children. Bei Pharma Deutschland receives messages from the Leiterin der Abteilung, Dr. Barbara Steinhoff.

Verstärkung im Bereich Presse- und Offentlichkeitsarbeit

Also the area Press and public work is strengthened. Paul Elkenhans, a volunteer at Pharma Deutschland since September, has started with his team in communication and his expertise in the development of the economy. A message has been sent to Hannes Hönemann, about the following information.

“In September, things will get going: my strategic new pipelines will increase our supply power in the individual areas,” says Dorothee Brakmann.

Source and contact address:
Pharma Deutschland eV Pressestelle Ubierstr. 71-73, 53173 Bonn Phone: (0228) 957450, Fax: (0228) 9574590
