
Psychology: Power glücklich! This Gewohnheit demands das Leben

Psychology: Power glücklich! This Gewohnheit demands das Leben

This habit is a happy one – and lasts longer than 8 years

Junge Frau in der Stadt glücklich: Diese Gewohnheit power is a glücklicher – and desires das Leben um 8 Jahre

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Was we prepared to have fresh dairy products and would enjoy it? Beruflichen Erfolg and fell Money? A sociologist rät, de Fokus auf etwas alles zu legen.

Most of our experiences have become a little worse: we have been on a pivotal role for a long time, a financing of the financing or a financing strategy, one of the best choices we could make. If it doesn’t work out, then the Freude Groß. Because it was so difficult, it was a great experience and it was a great experience. If you are in the Rule, you may think. The feeling of happiness is disappearing faster, when it has come. We land in a devil’s circle of striving, achievement, short-term satisfaction, desire, evade striving and so on.

Wir brauchen immer mehr: The hedonistic Tretmühle

In psychology and sociology the phenomenon of the hedonistic Tretmühle dies. The people who have the tendency can do the best things – inheritance in job, money, new shoes or own home. If you are aware of the fact that no dopamine is released, it is a happiness high. It is no longer possible to solve a problem, and the countries will end up on a basic level and a high degree of certainty. Anyway, who sees reichen or who can do one thing: Das Glücksgefühl währt immer nur kurz.

The problem: If we experience such a high, we want to have it again all the faster. We could do so much and use the next thing, that is a “lucky power” – if we are at the bottom of the tatsachen, without the luck-base level, this can be a whole that is lost.

Who became long-fried zufrieden(er)?

Many people from philosophy, psychology or theology are acquainted with the fragment, it was a long-winded happy turn – and the hedonistic tretmühle out of itself. Dr. Arthur Brooks is a sociologist and author. Our strategy, one of the following things we will use: Statt the next Dopamin-Kick hinterzuren, whereby our diversified portfolio can be diversified.

Given the “mindbodygreen” message, you will be able to enjoy the irony of your business activities: you will be able to enjoy your life without worrying about your future activities (money, inheritance, income) without having to worry about more construction products for yourself. Portfolio suchen . If several wires are connected, it will be long-lasting glücklich. If you have hobbies, you can spend a longer period of time, or a small moment of peeking, enjoying and relaxing in Alltag.

Therefore, a goal that is so important to our Glücks Portfolio

One of the most important roles within these portfolios is the honor of Dr. Brooks der Purpose. Of course, it can be that there is searched in the commotion – all kinds of products can be our Beweggründe genau-berprüfen here. Only the Geldes or the Status’ roads can a climb through the Karriereliet vermutlich not nachhaltig glücklich machen. If you have found a job that is a sin and if you are in Einklang, this can be a hereditary experience, when you have a higher position in that position that has more influence on the influence of the current.

If you have done a study, you have a clear goal in mind, but you can live eight years longer if you are single, and the life of the hedonistic tretmühle changes.

In general, it is of course not false, it is a fact that it is a bit fun and that it is a Urlaub or a new Job. It is a matter of thinking, if we make our joy of life of the Wenn-Dann-Logik adhängig: If a job had a task, it became glücklich sein. If it is summer, it becomes a bit exciting. If a home is chewed, everything would become better.

Solche owes his best ideas to the enterprise – and the hedonistic tretmühle, which is an impotent force, which is long sweet with finding it. The chance that it gets difficult, when it is a problem, the small moments of happiness of all tags are found – and the larger themes with sin and purpose are achieved, while they do not give dopamine-high hints.

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