
IMCD successfully issues EUR 500 million rated bond

IMCD successfully issues EUR 500 million rated bond

ROTTERDAM, Netherlands (August 29, 2024, 5:45 p.m. CEST) – IMCD NV (“IMCD”), a leading distributor of specialty chemicals and nutritional ingredients, today successfully launched a new EUR 500 million corporate bond issue to institutional investors.

This new EUR 500 million rated senior unsecured bond matures on April 30, 2030 and has a fixed coupon of 3.625%.

The bond is traded on the EURO MTF market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and has a Baa3 rating from Moody’s and a BBB- rating from Fitch.

The proceeds of the bond will be used for general corporate purposes and will further increase the flexibility of IMCD’s capital structure.

Attached you will find the press release in PDF format and the main image.


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