
Dax buys even more Nvidia-Impulse Rekordhoch

Dax buys even more Nvidia-Impulse Rekordhoch

Der Dax-schaffte is a first time in the seiner Geschichte über die Marke von 18.900 Punkten. Ben Ende kam der deutsche Leitindex met 18,912.57 Zählern auf ein Plus von 0.69 Prozent. Damit hath erzielt in 18 Handelstagen and 16 Tagen Gewinne and in diesem Jahr um fast 13 Prozent ziglegt. The MDax value is no more than an amount of 1.17 percent on 25,508.74 points.

Nvidia-Zahlen beschäftigten Börse

In the Zeiten des Künstliche-Intelligenz-Booms, Nvidia’s Zahlen has never been so great, with the new package of the Chipkonzern after the extremely high Erwartungen Tribut. Laut dem Chefvolkswirt Michael Heise from HQ Trust received the German Sales Prize from the “Comfort Zone of the European Central Bank”. The NordLB sees the green light for an Algerian meeting in September.

Technology works on both the Atlantic Walls of the Tatsache, which Nvidia shares in New York with 3.5 percent. Generally, profit is made in the sector on the paper format with an Anstieg of 1.6 percent. Branchenintern does not get access to SAP with the Perzent Kursplus. The software sector uses one of the American branches of Salesforce on the screen.

Axitron quickly wins four Percent

Auch Ausrüsterwerte der Chipindustrie wurden with angetrieben: Aktien des Anlagenbauers Aixtron zogen im MDax um fast vier Prozent and im SDax followed them Süss Microtec and PVA Tepla um bis zu plus 8,5 Prozent.

This means you can take action with a pro-zentual experience during your stay. Delivery Hero explains one of the MDax-Spitze to more than 12 Prozent zu. This response to a good reaction to the second quarter, a best annual forecast and error-free analysis of the Korea-Geschäft, is analyst Giles Thorne from Jefferies Research. Everywhere is the Kurstreiber aber de Nachricht, the essential service of the Marke Talabat erwäge, which in Nahen Osten and in North-Africa invigorating Wachstum verzeichne.

Eurostox index removed

On the Eurozone-Ebene of the EuroStoxx 50 index is more than a percent at 4,966.27 points zu. Otherwise than the Dax would now have reached the highest level in July. The Eurozone expands the Swiss SMI and the London FTSE 100 to 0.6 percent zu. In New York, the Dow Jones Industrial was with a turnover of 0.9 percent, while the technology-heavy Nasdaq was worth 100 dollars, it was more a turnover.

The euro can yield a profit and yield a field of 1.1084 US dollars. The Europäische Zentralbank has set the reference rate at 1.1088 (midweek: 1.1117) US dollars. The dollar costs 0.9018 euros.

On the Market for the German Bundessanleien, the price has fallen from 2.26 Prozent am Vortag to 2.24 Prozent. The Rentenindex Rex amounts to 0.17 Prozent auf 126.55 Punkte. Der Bund-Future gab um 0.03 Prozent auf 133.96 Punkte nach.