
1 Mediterranean Foodbar in der ehemaligen Amsel

1 Mediterranean Foodbar in der ehemaligen Amsel

It is definitely one of the most beautiful inns in the city: Behind an unseemly house at the southern end of the Körösistraße a giant maple tree was found, under a whole beer garden treasures were found. The war started at Gasthaus Luttenberger so, if it is here, the war is at the legendary “Amsel” so, here the old town has gone out. And that is of course with the afterglow the local’s summer heart: Vassiliki Gkalgkouras believes “1 Mediterranean Food Bar” is in Mai von der Ecke Grabenstraße 1 and Wickenburggasse sucked into the nest of the former “Amsel”.

The best Voraussetzungen voor een lauen Gastgarten-Abend has become, but there is no need for it anymore: Auf der Speisekarte sind grechische Klassiker zu finden, wie man is in Urlaub auf blau gestrichenen Stühlen and Meeresblick auch gerne isst. “Just Greek” is the motto, yes, but it is not traffic.

With our own Teller Meze (15.50 Euro), there is a nice meal with plenty of fresh ingredients, including: Tsatsiki, Tarama (Fischrogencreme) and a Melanzani-Aufstrich, Olives and your own Stück Zucchini, Pitakia (Blätterteig-Taschen), Dolmadakia (stuffed Weinblätter) is op een Teller zum Teilen vereint, dazu gibt’s cozy aufgebackenes Brot mit Knoblauch. The Tsatsiki-hätte for once more Gurke and Knoblauch-relocation, aber das Geschmackksache. Schmeckt everything that makes things busy and fast in Urlaub.

Der Feta Saganaki, Schafskäse in Sesampanier with Honig aus der Pfanne (9.80 Euro), ist ebenfalls sehr in Ordnung, with one of the Greek Salat with Tomatoes, Gurken, Paprika, Zwiebeln, Feta and Olives (9.60 Euro) – wobei the Tomatoes freilich in the south are different, but that is true. If you would like to enjoy your soup (16.50 euros), eat meat with frites and toast. In Grunde Nichts Besonderes (and a classic „Kinderessen“), aber auszusetzen gibt es nichts – good Fleisch, sehr good, extra cozy Pommes. It was refined by the Keftedakia, the fast delivery, the Pita and the Tzatziki served – the meat is of good quality, finely chopped and roasted quite right. Vegetarians can also enjoy other people in Greece. Classics from the Ottoman Empire backgreifen: “Imam fallen”, “The Imam falls into power”, is a court of law from the filled Melanzani. The legend is that an imam of the vast majority of power has fallen into power, if there is a bad attempt – with a little imam and a party in Sessel, after he has thought: the eggplant is so beautiful and crazy, die exotic-Turkish Würzung-tol.

Fell Spaß power over a glaserl Retsina-Spritzer: The hearty Geschmack des griechischen Weins schlechthin kommt dabei nicht ganz so grim heraus, that is the Getränk umso erischender.

1 Meditarranean Food Bar in Graz: Kontakt und Öffnungszeiten

Körösistraße 10, 8010 Graz
Phone 0665 65156305

Opening hours (Kitchen):
Service day to Freitag 12 to 2 and 4.30 to 8.45 pm
Saturday 12.30 to 14.30 and 16.30 to 20.30
Sunday and Monday