
Mittelstand: Veranstaltung auf der Mainau zeit Wege auf, wie Firmen fit für Digitale zijn

Mittelstand: Veranstaltung auf der Mainau zeit Wege auf, wie Firmen fit für Digitale zijn

The digital library of the Wirtschaft has been flourishing for years. Have you never found a company that brings small and small businesses with innovative technologies profitable and new digital services to the market? Gerade Kleinbetrieben and Mittelständlern are often a personal and financial enterprise, a technical innovation on their Geschäftsmodell zu übertragen.

Here a Veranstaltung started on September 17, 2024 with the statistics of the Bodensee-Insel Mainau. In those years, the Schwerpunkte der Veranstaltung was the theme of Wissensmanagement en Künstliche Intelligenz.

Veranstaltung für Unternehmenslenker und Manager auf der Mainau

Stefan Schweiger, economics professor at the HTWG, is responsible for the care of the small and medium-sized businesses in the region. At...

Stefan Schweiger, Economics Professor at the HTWG, ensures that you can help the small and medium-sized businesses in the region. With digital technology, the device must be opened. Schweiger said, who can. | Image: Rau, Jörg-Peter

“We provide know-how and knowledge based on practical experience, which allows us to develop our own knowledge of the business and to ensure effective management,” said Stefan Schweiger, initiator of the meetings and professor at the Hochschule Konstanz (HTWG).

Vernetzter Arbeitsplatz: Technology with AI bieten Chancen, aber nicht jeder nutzt sie.

Vernetzter Arbeitsplatz: Technology with AI bieten Chancen, aber nicht jeder nutzt sie. | Image: Christin Klose, dpa

Who knows the digital turn?

The Veranstaltung with the title Rethinking Smart Services (Smarte Dienstleistungen hinterfragt) offers a complete Smart Services center and more partners, who support the Cyber-Lago network through their operation. Unterstützt and gefördert are the Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus Baden-Württemberg.

Experts have taken into account in the field of manufacturing companies that digitalization is no longer possible. Moderiert with the Veranstaltung of Walther Rosenberger, Leader of the Regional Economy and Knowledge at SÜDKURIER. Info can be found at: