
Munich: Luxushotel am Stachus nach Unfall ohne Internet

Munich: Luxushotel am Stachus nach Unfall ohne Internet

Munich – For a certain moment it is the service of a Super-GAU in the new Koenigshof Luxury Collection Hotel „Stachus Serenity“, which is now not so good anymore. The last Telekom service is carried out by construction work and the western Zufahrt zur Schützenstraße zwei im Boden verlegte Glasfaser-Kabel bedamädigt, on the Bahnhofsvorplatz. Who der Unfall geneested, is unclear.

Telekom could receive the service first this evening

There were a few things offline: no internet, no telephone service – one of the prominent new Koenigshof am Stachus. “Der Zugang zur Baustelle war aber am 27.08.2024 abends nicht more zugänglich, damit konnte die Störungsbehebung frst am Folgetag erolgen“, writes the Telekom auf AZ-Anfrage. And: “We can maintain part of the cable so that the current is reduced.”

The Atrium is 25 meters high and completely in gold content. Check out the Balcony on the right and left. The terrace is suitable for a suite.

From 750 to 16,000 Euro per night — so luxurious is the new Koenigshof …


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The glass phaser lead-in in the Koenigshof half started 48 minutes ago, but it is a matter of Thursday afternoon. Do offline war with the Luxushotel (room price at the moment for Hotel-Homepage up to 12,000 Euro per night) in the Zeit nicht.

After a few hours the house could be manoeuvred out of the low. By using a number of new hotspot cubes, new internet solutions are also available free of charge “Office spaces” for guests.

You can offer the Marriott Partner Hotel Le Méridien and use an offline terminal for the dedicated bookings.