
Babler performs “Comeback” at Wahlkampf-Auftakt

Babler performs “Comeback” at Wahlkampf-Auftakt

No, the Oberreichische Landchef Michael Lindner as guest of the non-sterreichische Landprince Sven Hergovich, the mayor Michael Ludwig and the Swedish national chairman of Doris Bures, who with criticism and an experiment with a fallen war program, for the Ars Electronica, gets to work, namely. Everyone told Babler in his emotional life that he saved with: “Wir werden in Österreich überraschen wider all Umfragen, wider all Commentaar”. The mittler-weile began to bash mediocre and then another Raum in the Ansprache of the Spitzenkandidaten to get.

As Motivationsschub aufgezählt von Babler diverse Erfolge in den Städten in jüngerer Zeit wie die Rückholung der Bürgermeister-Sessel in Salzburg und Bregenz. The man who started Wahlkampf in Linz is like Stärke der Partei. Babler sketches auch trotz Brucknerhaus-Skandals nicht davor zurück, Linz ausdrücklich as “Kulturstadt” to würdigen.

Bable’s power is clear, the SPÖ Party President would never want to have a job. Man has received his power as part of life with Querschüssen himself, man is manchmal auch klare Worte finden: “Aber jetzt since we are in the Finale, jetzt marchschieren wir geeint.” Man muse die Leidenschaft spüren: “Man braucht us all, wir müssen raus.”

Take the SPÖ chief’s stuff out of the program that you can use. Specially the Kinder-Grundsicherung-stelle is in the Vordergrund. As a part of the SPÖ the children’s poverty confronted. But also Property taxes, active Neutrality Policy, Facharzt-Anspruch, New construction of the Security Devices and much more brought Babler in the blessing Speech. The great applause has been received for the pensions “45 years are enough.” In the fight against the asylum police, the rapid integration has become a high degree of security or another title. The problem with the integration has been created since 24 years of ÖVP and FPÖ.

Upper Austrian Spitzencandidate and Bundesfrauenchef Eva Maria Holzleitner focused on her kurzen Redebeitrag op de Forderungen nach Lohntransparenz die kostenlose Verhütungsmitteln. They hate the years of the decline of the “feminist, laute stimme for women” in the absence of direction.

The previous program had a different name for the freshly dressed Bürgermeister candidate Dietmar Prammer, who was “unfortunate” in this Rolle-come war. Seine Vorstellung war kurz en pregnant: “My name is Didi Prammer and I will become Linzer Bürgermeister.” Landschef Lindner concludes the Bundespartei with an Unterstützung zu. It’s a “horny team”. Man became “den Andi unterstützen, wee es nur geht”.

The Show Effects were great events. Start writing Babler with the Gefolgschaft de Tribüne über de Stiegen herab, de Schluss-verließ is de Bühne, een noch een van de Parteivolk is een mischen und lauded de Vermögensbesteuerung der “Superreichen” which continues.