
Erster Patient has BioNTech-Impfstoff lung cancer

Erster Patient has BioNTech-Impfstoff lung cancer

A 67-year-old change of the patient with the longenkrebs hat in London is a new impfstoff that longenkrebs has formed. It is a matter of a first test to investigate and rediscover the certainty of the treatment method, while it can be carried out with other credit treatment methods.

Erster Patient has BioNTech-Impfstoff lung cancer
Photo: Non-small cell carcinoma of the lung, FNA, Ed Uthman, Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0

There is a credit crisis

If the Word “Impfung” lasts a long time, you think it is a matter of grippeimpfung, which prevents an Erkrankung from being reached. All sorts of things are usually an impfstoff, which does not support the immune system of the chests, but also offers recognition and protection. You can use these Erkrankungen to remove Krebserkrankungen.

The National Health Service (NHS) and University College London Hospitals (uCLH) have now given a patient a new art of Krebsimpfstoff. In concrete terms, it is a kind of impfstoff against lung credits. „Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer death worldwide, with an estimated 1.8 million deaths in 2020. We are now entering this very exciting era of mRNA-based clinical immunotherapy trials to investigate the treatment of lung cancer… We hope this provides an opportunity to further improve outcomes for our NSCLC patients with non-small cell lung cancer, both early and advanced“, explains Siow Ming Lee, Professor of Oncology at University Hospital London.

The only thing that is not small is that it is a very extensive Lungenkrebs-Art. This Krebsart comes from the Krebszellen from the lung tissue. If Krebs on the other side of the world are considered the lung cancer, the small lung cancer, if a diagnosis is made, the Krebs can often act in other kinds of things.

New mRNA Injection Works Exclusively at Krebszellen

If the new term is connected to the name BNT116 and the German company BioNTech, the installation will be an impfstoff that gives the coronavirus a name. Whoever is on the Covid-19 impfstoff commercial has placed BNT116 on Messenger RNA (mRNA). This confrontation with the immune system of patients with markers of a tumor. If you use chemotherapy, it will be that they are treated as toxic for Krebszellen, that the term is exclusive to the Krebszellen.

The strength of the approach we use is that the treatment is aimed at combating cancer cells in a very targeted manner.“, so Dr. Sarah Benafif, the study guide. In your study, 130 patients in total from seven countries must maintain the subject. The subjects: lead all the uninteresting stages of non-small cell lung cancer – from early stages before a treatment during an operation or paving to the slump stage after the relapsed tumors. In the research world, it is always the case that research, BNT116, is a general therapy of the research to the research that is tolerated. If you want to do this, the impfstoffen and other treatment methods are used.

I thought about it and … decided to participate because I hope it will provide a defense against cancer cells. I also thought that my participation in this study could help other people in the future and make this therapy more widely available. As a scientist, I know that science can only progress if people agree to participate in programs like this. I work in artificial intelligence and I am open to new things. My family was also researching the trial and they supported my participation“, so Janusz Racz, der nun as erster Patient den Wirkstoff erhielt.


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