
“Elite” star Julián Ortega was born at 41

“Elite” star Julián Ortega was born at 41

Julián Ortega suddenly died on Sunday evening! The play is a beach in Spain with a heart attack. We may all be going through the Netflix series ‘Elite’.

Der traurige Vorfall takes place in a Strandbar am Zahora Beach in Barbate ab, wie Daily star message set. Dort Julián Ortega erlitt a rethinking act. Rettungssanitäter sollen 30 Minuten beschreibung, de schauspieler wiederzubeleben – de bliebleider ergolglos. I have gone from being 41 years old to being an “Elite” star.

Julián Ortega collabiert am Strand – er was nur 41 Jahre alt

The generated messages are not officially available – the messages were only sent a few times. The Spanish Schauspielergewerkschaft confirmed his death. “From the Union of Actors and Actresses we send the Family and Friends of the Playwright our informed consent”, he is in one of the Mitteilung.

“Life can be lived happily ever after”

Zahlreiche Fans und Schauspielkollegen have reported their Wort and bekunden ihr Beileid. “Das Leben can be manchmal so grausam sein. I am untroubled, love my friends. You are warding a great schauspieler and a single besserer Mensch, Julián Ortega. Fly hoch,” writes Goya Preisträger Fernando Tejero at Kurznachrichtendienst

Julián Ortega war against the actress Gloria Muñoz and the directors and actresses José Antonio Ortega. There was born in Madrid and war for all theater actresses. With the blessing Mother stand is more common in the Teatro Español in the Bühne.

Neben “Elite” is long ago by the role in the series “Velvet” big Beknownst. There is war in the production of “El pueblo” and “Cristo Rey” that are visible. In “Elite” played Julián Ortega the Geschäftsführer of Restaurant “La Caba”. After the eighth schedule, the Erfolgs format is available on Netflix.