
America’s Cup: First the Franzosen-Coup, then Kran-Schock and a big win for the Kiwis

America’s Cup: First the Franzosen-Coup, then Kran-Schock and a big win for the Kiwis

After the opening day of the Herausforderer-Runde to 37. America’s Cup Teams has won the Bug. The Segelrennställe Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli (Italian), Ineos Britannia and the Orient Express Racing Team (France) were busy with eight Regattatags of the Hauptrunde with jewels a Siegpunkt glass. While the Neuselaar in the Italian war was one of the Galeries, the Punk world did not start anymore at the Kampf der Fünf Herausforderer one of the four Semi-Finals in the Louis Vuitton Cup.

France’s “Orient Express” besieged “BoatOne”

The teilweise light background of the Herausforderer-Series is served for Barcelona on the Donnerstag some excess. I started with the Franconian «Orient Express» as the Schweizer Team Alinghi Red Bull Racing with the start, the fast boat and the Sieg. I am noch Letzte in the previous race of 37. America’s Cup, the Franzosen were now the first siege in the Round-Robin-Series with the 30th Duellen on September 8. Then separated the first Herausforderer.

“Orient Express”-Steuermann Quentin Delapierre war with the Freude über das erolgreiche Eröffnungsracen anzusehen wie der gesamten Mannschaft. Delapierre said: “That’s the first match, but that’s it: that’s such a great achievement! It’s a great art for our team, which is so heartwarming. And gratuity an unsere Radfahrer! It is not another way, but the entire Mannschaft, the Techniker, the Performance Team and the Radfahrer have earned and earned their heart here.”

At the start of the Tages, the Italian favorite was able to grimly cross a nice herausforderern Verteidiger Neuseeland in the starting phase. I see that Team Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli has used the tactical herausragend-agitating Kiwis, who, with perfect positioning and a strong overhangmanover in Winden, glänzten a sultry and 14 knots and the fangs führende “Luna Rossa” überflügelten. Dazu schwärmte der frühere Cup-Segler and TV commentator Peter Lester: “Meine Güte, the Großsegel-Jib-Kombination von Team New Zealand looks wonderful.” Lester mutete a new Großsegel in Einsatz.

“Patriot” sells the start

I am playing a race with the US-Yacht «Patriot» in the pre-start phase in a sudden wind arm of the Foils. “Patriot” bleb lange in der flaute kleben, must stay a long nose long in the fresh air, a weeder of the fact that it comes and that it is still not cleansed. When “Patriot” comes to an end at the starting line, war “Britannia” will go 700 meters further. There is an end to the beobachts, because all AC75-Foiler is in the light wind of the German wind under six knots which is only worth 30 knots. Anyway, if the wind goes through a few knots.

The duel between “Britannia” and “Patriot” is an end, but still an exciting battle, until the US-Yacht has disappeared. The co-pilot Tom Slingsby and Paul Goodison are busy with everything on the boat with their crew, but they can not even be so grim. From 41 seconds back to the last turning point, in the same final sprint 14 seconds in the soul. Tom Slingsby said: “It is very frustrating. I started with a very light wind. The team has been given an unannounced task, no matter who in any game. In the end we only have to run the time.”

A gift for “Britannia”

For Sir Ben Ainslie’s Team Ineos Britannia war against the American gift. If you look at the “Elfmeter”, it is likely that the American will disappear at the end of his life. The joy over the important victory point at Ineos Britannia CEO and Skipper Ben Ainslie was silenced: “It is time that we get points on our account. The American has got a good job, back in the race. If you want to know more, you can write a word. It will happen next time. If it is a verbessert, it will be insulting, nor an argument for us.”

I have four duels of the Days under the self-invented Franzosen the last old Azzurri. The war with the “Orient Express” has begun, but you can no longer click on the links. “Luna Rossas” co-pilot Francesco “Cecco” Bruni and Jimmy Spithill are not long bitten, turned on the “Orient Express”, while they the imagination of the Kursbegrenzung schließlich zur Wende gezwungen was.

The Herausforderer-Runde is a holiday with four weeks of a total of 30 duels of the double round-robin round set up, in which each team competes on each other. The most recent Herausforderer retired on September 8, the other four saw in the semi-finals of the Louis Vuitton Cup a.

The Kiwi Shock in the Evening Light

After the victory at the Louis Vuitton Cup on the water feature, on the way to the Emirates Team New Zealand in the Shock in a country. In one of the spaces is the active statement of the joint statement of the Neuseeländer who dies of one of the people, while no one of the team is injured, but “Taihoro” is damaged:

“After the Races during the Round-Robin-Tag of the Louis Vuitton Cup there is a problem with the Kran, when the Team has the AC75 ‘Taihoro’ from the water-cooking plate. The boot lands on his lagerbock.

The team hat of the boot with a mobile phone is safe. It is now no longer the Halle is eaten, while the team spends a night with the turn of the Schaden. After the first einschätzungen had started, the Emirates Team New Zealand tomorrow not continued.

On the 24th pages, we continued to implement a full-fledged plan for the repair of ‘Taihoro’, giving the team a new update on the height of the teams that have been raised.

Grant Dalton, CEO of Emirates Team New Zealand, said: “It’s a natural progression for a team that is so important to the Championships. When the moment is right, an America’s Cup Championship is won. If an experienced group of enterprising and talented people has a big group, one of the repairs to the boots will be done.

Louis Vuitton Cup, Day 1, Run 1 – Orient Express Racing Team vs. Alinghi Red Bull Racing:

Louis Vuitton Cup, Tag 1, Race 2 – Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli vs. Emirates Team New Zealand:

Louis Vuitton Cup, Day 1, Run 3 – Ineos Britannia vs. NYYC American Magic:

Louis Vuitton Cup, Day 1, Run 4 – Orient Express Racing Team vs. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli: