
Wilder Ritt against Häcken: Heidenheim in Europapokal more

Wilder Ritt against Häcken: Heidenheim in Europapokal more

Heidenheim abolishes the jump into the Liga phase of the Conference League. I am Playoff Rückspiel against BK Häcken müssen de Swabia sittern. In a heißen Schlussphase schlagen sie aber noch zweimal zu.


29.08.2024 – 22:50 hrs

The Europa-Reise continues. 1. FC Heidenheim is busy with a spectacle in the Liga phase of the Conference League and continues to release international players. The Fußball-Bundesligistische setzte is in the Playoff-Rückspiel against the German Meister BK Häcken with 3:2 (1:0) during.

Marvin Pieringer played in the 30th minute, Zeidane Inoussa (59.) and Jeremy Agbonifo (79.) took the party of the guest. In one of the last phases Paul Wanner (84.) and Mathias Honsak (90.+2) have never been so bad for the Swabians.

Schon das Hinspiel een Woche would have won the Heidenheimer with 2:1. The historical past of the international Heimspiel der Clubgeschiedenis does not follow this Saison either. The attacks on the FCH in the Liga phase were resolved. If you go through the Club of the Ostalb in the Hause, you can reach others.

Great Euphoria, aber fehlerhafter Start

“Und then we see our Europe” is written on a large banner in front of the Heidenheimer Fanblock. With a choreography that stimulates Mannschaft on the big weekend. These turbulent things were fun and easy, but that’s it.

Pieringer used to welcome guests after a long stay. Kurz später hätte Mikkel Kaufmann for the team of trainer Frank Schmidt, who had an orderly rotation in the starting team, beinahe erhöht. Seinen Kopfball lenkte Häckens Goalkeeper Peter Abrahamsson aber gerade noch an die Latte (34.).

If you go directly to the Europapokal

A few minutes after the break, Denis Thomalla missed the great chance of 2:0 (51.), meeting Inoussa per Flachschuss on the given score of 1:1. During a Schlenzer von Agbonifo geriet Heidenheim sogar in Rückstand. The Joker Wanner and Honsak are no longer hammering the ball into Schweden’s house.

The story of the FCH is also a Kapitel Reicher. After the first evil Bundesliga-Aufstieg the Swabians had lagged behind and evolved seasonal sensational tables so that the spring in the Conference-League-Playoffs was geschafft. While you now play the four children in the four-a-side game of the new season, it deserves that you earn the Europapokal-Abende even more.