
Supermarket chain Edeka warns of AfD in Saxony and Thuringia

Supermarket chain Edeka warns of AfD in Saxony and Thuringia

Shortly before the Landtagswahlen in Saxony and Thuringia warns companies and associations against the AfD. Also the supermarket chain Edeka has formed a political Botschaft.

On Sunday, the Landtags will vote in Saxony and Thuringia. The AfD could become the largest parties in both states. Ownership of the supermarket Edeka with political statements – but now the trading giant is taking a different path with an unusual advertising campaign.

The appeal is with Gemüse verpackt, am Ende aber dennoch sehr deutlich: Eine Edeka-Anzeige ist am Donnerstag in de überregionalen Zeitungen The time and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) maybe. In the Werbung you can find all kinds of obstacles and gems with Gurken, Brokkoli, Bananas, Kirschen and Erdbeeren zu sehen.

“That Evolution has taught us: Blau ist keine good Wahl”

In the Edeka-Anzeige heißt es im Text: “In the Obst- und Gemüseabteilung herrscht die bunte Vielfalt.” And then the Botschaft more is clear: “Evolution has taught us: Blau ist keine good Wahl. (…) In Germany, the blue spot is the biggest concern of a fallen community.” In an Instagram story published here: “Für Edeka screams: Blau ist keine Alternative. Again, neither Obst & Gemüse nor both anstehenden Wahlen.”

Darum schaltete Edeka die Werbekampagne

Edeka hat auch erklärt, weshalb das Unternehmen die Anzeige geschaltet hat. “For the Edeka-Verbund if Vielfalt, Toleranz and the Confession of one of the infringements on the Gesellschaft elements, it will be a confession and die in our Selbstverständnis anchort sind“, teilte der Handelsriese auf WDR-Anfrage mit.

The Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE) has reported the fact that the Wort is being reported. President Alexander von Preen calls on the choice of democratic parties. “I can now warn all companies, the rules of the game in the direction of Ausgrenzung and Hass zu verschieben. The company and the Wirtschaft have not ended up in a positive Zukunft, but in a Sackgasse”, has become the FAZ.

Katrin Göring-Eckardt: “Wichtige Botschaft. Thank you, Edeka!”

The Greens were created by the Edeka Action. Katrin Göring-Eckardt, Vice President of the Federal Assembly, wrote to the Kurznachrichtendienst X: “Important comment. Thank you, Edeka! Obviously, if we use part of a natural color in the name, it becomes blue brown and nature in DNA research.”

AfD-Abgeordneter will announce Supermarktkette

A Hessian AfD Abgeordneter who founded the supermarket chain will accept the AfD Wähler as “unverträglich” and as a “natural end of life” in the world of the market. “It is the #EDEKA-Vorstand Strafanzeige posited, which in an Anzeigenkampagne #AfD-Mitglieder and Wähler as “unverträglich” and “natürliche Feinde gesunder Vielfalt” bezeichnet haben. Who knows, it could be that he died in #Soligen,” wrote Dr. Frank Grobe at X. Edeka hatte sich bereits Anfang Januar with a social media video that positions right-wing sextremism in Germany. “Suppose you have a supermarket that only sells German products”, this is a problem in a blended text.