
Video art for Gebäude – Videos am Mahnmal Buchenwald – Festival Genius Loci startet – Kultur

Video art for Gebäude – Videos am Mahnmal Buchenwald – Festival Genius Loci startet – Kultur

Weimar (dpa/th) – „It is 5 before 33“ – so lautet am Landtagswahlwochenende the Motto of the Video-Festivals Genius Loci in Weimar. The year is 1933. The international video and light installation festival is celebrated with a Freitag Sunday on the Gelände des Mahnmals Buchenwald, with the Veranstalter Mitteilten. Three Gebäude were thoroughly exposed. At the point where we saw the Glockenturm of the Mahnmals at a height of 50 meters, a light art project was being carried out. The installations are shaped “in a conscious way with the history and the world” of the Ortes, i.e. the Veranstalter.

The Mahnmal Buchenwald is the Grabstätte of Tausenden KZ-Häftlingen and the Memorial Buchenwald is the largest Denkmal in the Erinnerung and a nationalsocialist Konzentrationslager in Europe. The monumental Anlage was founded in 1958 as a national idea of ​​the GDR.

Country tag selection with Blick

The Veranstalter des Festivals wanted a critical look at the Gegenwart-werfen. The eleventh broadcast of Genius Loci was seen with the title „Gefühlt ist 5 voor 33“ in the year 1933, at the time of the Ernennung Adolf Hitlers zum Reichskanzler which besieged the end of parliamentary democracy.

You can view the issue of government protection as a right-wing extremist eingestufte of the Thuringian AfD before the landtagswahl becomes the strongest kraft at the age of 30 and on the map. “We can be successful, that in all of Europe, we don’t have well-being, more populism, less complex egoism and secure resentments from the “others” of their form,” wrote the Festival Manager on the website.

In the KZ Buchenwald and the seine more than 130 Außenlager, the National Socialists hated more than a Viertelmillion Men, Women, Children and Jugendliche from 50 Ländern during the summer of 1937. 56,000 people died of hunger, illness, pregnancy or medical experiments. Die Befreiung erlebten noch 21,000 Menschen.

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