
Who Österreichs EM-Start and Eishockey-Cracks Mut might

Who Österreichs EM-Start and Eishockey-Cracks Mut might

The Olympia-Hoffnungen der österreichischen Eishockey-Männer have a Dämpfer erlitten.

The ÖEHV-Auswahl must win the Auftakt des Olympia-Qualifikationsturniers in Bratislava of the guest groups Slovakia with 1:2 geschlagen geben. Game message >>>

“The defeat is of course bigger, we are in a closing game war,” reported Dominique Heinrich, speaking to his teammates from the Seele.

After a torless start-up drittel, in which the Slovaks were the German best Mannschaft, the men of ÖEHV Team Chief Roger Bader with Fortdauer of the party fanned more of his game and the Turnier favorites under the German Schlussabschnitt under Druck.

This Zeitpunkt layers Marco Kasper and Co. have a ratio of 1:2, a double stroke between the two drops by Martin Gernat (33.) and Milos Kelemen (35.) go into the Ausschlag. The 20-year-old Kasper could still explore the Drittelpause.

With such respect in the Schlüsselspiel hinein

“We live in my life with great respect,” praised David Kickert.

The Slovaks started with 10,000 players from the Nepela Arena with Power in the “Heimspiel”, started with three Powerplays that were told by the most reichische Strafen. “I knew, I will attack in the first 20 minutes”, said Captain Manuel Ganahl.

A rethink by David Kickert, who made a strong performance at the lost World Cup in Prague, allowed him to create a Rot-Weiss Roter to play his best game, while the ÖEHV Truppe suffered its damage.

“If you have another chance, then ‘Kicks’ has become a supertag. I enjoyed it and were patient,” said Ganahl on his teammates. While Austria put an end to the first Drittel offensive, Benjamin Baumgartner got a good chance at the end.

Who is Moral?

(Article is added to the videos fortified)

Spätestens im zweiten Spielabschnitt war der Respekt abgelegt, päsentierte sich the secret equipment on Augenhöhe with der Slovakia. Ganahl meinte: “Wir hatten das vertrauen, with Fortdauer ofs Spiels zu bestronger and dem Druck better standzuhalten.”

After the foursome have stood up, the puck will finally but behind Kickert in Netz, completely two minutes apart a further Mal. The Slovakian fans were from the Rand and the Band and from the east under pressure, the Rückstand pressed on müssen. “It was bad, that the second gate came so fast”, says team manager Roger Bader.

There are cracks that are so often moral, but the first time that the Halle is the leader, Mal remains. Bader was proudly stolz: “Our coaching staff comes into being, if the players play for 60 minutes and the Sieg glauben, there will be no physical problem. We will be in der Lage, I am still not ready.”

So I have a clear picture of the Eastern Region, with 12:5 Torschüssen. Lediglich der Torerfolg blieb aus. Man can take care of his mangelnde efficiently. “Wir has been given a good opportunity, it is a great opportunity, the Ausgleich zu erzielen,” so Ganahl. “Bei so einem kurzen Turnier extremely bitter.”

An die Leistungen in Prague angeknüpft

The copper soles and their high contents are exported. Bader lobbed: “We have a good life in Prag, who have good life in Prag.”

Including the shock-absorbing effect of the Schweizer. “I’m not sure, but man, so we’ve been away and said, that’s why we’re dominating, a lot of people are grim, and we have a good chance of survival. The Slovaks have been sitting there. The situation is bad, but Österreich can rely on this Leistung stolz sein.”

The Slovakians are one of the people who play this game, says Bader and explains: “We play on the Number 9 of the World Ranking List, in our Hall for 10,000 Zuschauern and in our Torhüter we will be able to enjoy our best games.”

“I would like to remember that the Fußballer das first Spiel (bei der EM, Anm.) has lost France and let the Gruppe have won.”

Team principal Roger Bader

If you are a man who never has a kaufen, with a Top-Nation content to his knowledge, Kaspers now analyzes in “ORF”.

Bader will nachmachen the ÖFB-Team

It is not possible to wait until the next day to arrive.

The next game is on Friday afternoon, against Kazakhstan (14 hours in the LIVE ticker >>>) is an all or nothing. While a defeat exceeds the trauma of the 2026 Olympic Games in Malta, one of the best matches of the Hoffnung is made.

Among other things, you can visit the Gruppenplatz for the Olympia-Ticket Reichen. Russia is the way of the Angriffskriegs to reach the Ukraine in the Kommenden Saison by the international Association, which gilts the Sperre before 2026, rückt der beste Gruppenzweite nach. The Entscheidung fell in February 2025.

The game plan does not apply to the ÖEHV Team, it is one of the “unhealthiest” teams. “That is a matter of course, but it is important that we can regenerate and focus on tomorrow,” said Bader, stating that there are no video games in Kasachen.

And then it will happen again. The team leader becomes triumphant: “I would like to remember that the Fußballer lost the first game (beside the EM, Anm.) in France and let the Group win. Then we will see, we will stop.”

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