
Kronprinzessin Mette-Marit founded Schwägerin Märtha Louise at the Show

Kronprinzessin Mette-Marit founded Schwägerin Märtha Louise at the Show

Bereits from 16 hours onwards for the “Hotel 1904” in Ålesund This was a great experience with a national and international press, a single view of the “Meet and Greet” Party by Prinzessin Märtha Louise (52) and Durek Verrett (49) at the wharf . It’s about the people who like the location of the meetings so much: the couples’ friends are dressed in bright, colorful and pompous wardrobes – all the while expressing the motto “cool and sexy”. The large Highlight sollte – natural – the Brautpaar sein. But this Rechnung had been accomplished by the man without the daughter of King Harald (87) and the Shamans, at 20:30 it became clear: Martha and Durek were no longer for the apparent position. Only once in a while another group in the inner world of the company can use the brand-name press films. There is a war going on that you see: Braut and Bräutigam set up a Partnerlook all in Rosa!

In the video you see your great partner outfit of Prince Märtha and his husband Schamanen.

Crown Princess Mette-Marit steals from Schwägerin Märtha Louise at the Show

If the Braut is no longer up to date, Mette-Marit from Norway can enjoy a great experience and forget about it in the Hotel 1904. Once, when the Crown Princess together with his Ehemann Crown Prince Haakon (51) after his landing at the airport in the location ankam. Here you can not find a single trench coat – the color and the color of the shell is great. When the Schwägerin der Braut comes into the streets of Ålesund, that little step goes in jeans shirt and hides one of the medical masks. With that were of course their personal protectors. If the gang also shows the 51-year-old age of the Schwester in the course of time the Show, then it is the turn of Märtha Louise to let the Anwesens appear with Marit.

I want to know, who is the high time location of Prinzessin Märtha and his American Schaman? spent a night in Hotel Union – more in video!