
Schulze criticizes Minister Niebel

Schulze criticizes Minister Niebel

Schulze criticizes Minister NiebelFederal Government Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) has received criticism from Vor-Vorgänger Dirk Niebel (FDP). Zur Äußerung Niebels, er er is Minister met deutlich weniger Geld ausgekommen, sie sie der “Rheinischen Post” (Freitag): “Niebel war for eleven years Minister, since ist der Bundeshaushalt insgesamt grime gewachssen. Der Anteil der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit am Gesamtetat lay damals wie Het is a fact that warming continued to increase while state budget cuts were being implemented, causing problems to flare up and often send an arm’s length.’ Your criticism is: “Heute ist Herr Niebel Rüstungslobbyist and findet offenbar, dass Deutschland weniger in the Entwicklungszusammenarbeit investieren if everything in his Brötchengeber Rheinmetall and Umsatz power. I cannot take the seriousness of the matter seriously. I think it is a challenge to To live in the climate with protection, it is important to ensure that you do not have to worry about climate damage.” If you click on the FDP’s Forwardungen, the members of the US State Department will say to Schulze: “That’s what the FDP is doing, and you’re going to be the Minister yourself.”

Photo: Dirk Niebel in the year 2013 (archive), über dts Nachrichtenagentur

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