
Zukunft der Kreislaufwirtschaft: Circular Valley Convention

Zukunft der Kreislaufwirtschaft: Circular Valley Convention

Networking and new models in focus

Prof. Dr. Manfred Renner, Leader of the Fraunhofer Cluster Circular Plastics Economy CCPE, spoke in an interview on 27.08.2024 about the active Herausforderungen and Chancen, which, about the themes working for the Kreislaufwirtschaft von Bedeutung sind. From notnauwen Leitplanken, with the national Kreislaufwirtschaftsstrategy, to the Bedeutung of Multi-Stakeholder-Cooperationen, at the Circular Valley Convention in March 2025 in Düsseldorf.

Zukunft der Kreislaufwirtschaft: Circular Valley Convention

Symbol image Kreislaufwirtschaft – Photo © Gerhard Hofmann, Agentur Zukunft, for Solarify

What themes do you see if you want to use the Kreislaufwirtschaft or the plastics industry?

Manfred Renner: When the circular economy comes flat in traffic, other product designs, values, eco-design, materials and their combination, technology that still exist. Laying planks and regulating the regulations is not possible. Once you are separated, it is so that the company lives together in the business activities – and that you can find a direct connecting step path. First we are equal, linear value creation to crumble and finally to a value creation circle to transform. This is golden for all sectors and cut-offs.

The projects in the Fraunhofer CCPE company have developed the multi-stakeholder approach for the plastics industry. By combining system knowledge and technology, space is created for small and large Kreisläufe.

Another big theme is the fragile content, which can be the consumption of the content. If you spend more time buying products, then the chance is greater that the amount of food is reduced. The quality of the product or the usefulness of products is higher than that of buying. This is the business model Product-Service-System. There are new, innovative business models available. There is much beschäftigen with an intensive CCPE fraunhofer.

Is this commitment to the multi-stakeholder approach of the Grund für Ihre winstschaftliche Begleitung an der Circular Valley Convention, from 12 to 13 March 2025 in Düsseldorf, stattfindet? Was erwarten Sie von diesem neuen Format?

Runner: The Circular Valley Convention is a reforming location, with all stakeholders from the various sectors of the theme Kreislaufwirtschaft ins Präch zu come and new impetus to setzen – nicht nur in Bezug auf Deutschland, including internationally. Together with the Messe Düsseldorf and the Circular Valley Foundation, we propose a number of erroneous conference programmes, in the combined spectrum of solutions, strategies and geschäftsmodelle abgebildet wird. The first speakers of economics, knowledge, politics and society can be gained.

Accompanied by the conference of a trade fair and an evening exhibition. These substances die off, dissipate the tension and ensure that the cross-linking becomes even more intensive. Of course with Fraunhofer CCPE are leaving.

Die Circular Valley Convention is a new platform for the industrial Kreislaufwirtschaft. The new trade fair format offers a wide range of circular economy in all dimensions and brings the divisions between companies, start-ups, businesses, politics and companies into one.
Material and industry-oriented mountaineering presentations of the Circular Valley Convention are the spectrum of the circular economy, strategies and development models for the phasing of the circular economy. As an international convention, you will find the Circular Valley Convention conference, an Expo that organizes events. It offers space for knowledge and networking, promotes synergies and innovations. Major changes were implemented, the companies fit the Transformation in the Kreislaufwirtschaft machine. It is a bigger engine for the transformation of the circular economy of the future.
The Circular Valley Convention was founded by the Messe Düsseldorf in collaboration with the Gemeinnützigen Circular Valley Stiftung and a Wissenschaftlicher Begleitung by Fraunhofer UMSICHT. More information about registration on the following website.

It is wise to use regular regular dishes. Beim 2. Dialogforum zur Nationalen Kreislaufwirtschaftsstrategie (NKWS) with the Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke has given his cooperation. Who was busy with the enterprise and was he never busy with him again?

Runner: The abuse of the Kreislaufwirtschaft with the uninterested representatives and representatives of the Leitung of Frau Lemke ensures better information and improvement. The implementation process of these Entwurf can now be understood and welcomed, that the dialogue about the different Gremien, Gewerkschaften, Ländern etc. is further discussed.

As de Leitziele, de Verbrauch van Rohstoffen van verringer und Abfall van vermeiden, van erreichen, müssen sich nach meiner Auffassung auch Geschäftsmodelle der Unternehmen verändern. I think this process is civilized with the R strategy of the circular economy: Refuse, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture, Repurpose, Recycle and Recover.

Whoever is the Vernetzung der single Stakeholder, will not be satisfied by the two other Leitziele of the NKWS: Stoffkreisläufe schließen and Unabhängigkeit von Rohstoffimporten. This involves advanced technologies and intelligent management methods. It ends up in the NKWS.
