
Peter Maffay: Über seine Frau und Tochter: “Anouk is who Hendrikje”

Peter Maffay: Über seine Frau und Tochter: “Anouk is who Hendrikje”

Rock legend Peter Maffay (75) has never tried to win a private jackpot. When he landed real hits with songs like “About seven bridges you must not do” and for 55 years he has been eagerly seeking a million people’s love, his love-happy far-reaching success has been preserved from public view. There is a war going on that could lead to the sinner still secretly receiving a share of Traumfrau Hendrikje (37) a few years later.

The couple met on April 1, 2022 as the new Liebe and Treue. War after all with war? I still have Anouk, the time point of the high time, which was a year of war. “Sie war dabei, as wir geheiratet haben. Aber ich glaube, sie hat noch nicht intellecten, das war”, said Hendrikje wenig später gegenüber der “Bild” -Zeitung. Who is the family nun after Peter Maffay’s great Abschieds Tour when it comes together? Das verriet der Sänger aktuell anlässlich seines 75. Geburtstages.

Peter Maffay feinen seinen 75. Geburtstag: “Der Weg bisher war ein Gift”

I am an interview with the “Bild” broadcast of Peter Maffay, who formed the wife Hendrikje and the community, who still likes Anouk. My mind is a few rugged mountains on the Balearic island of Mallorca. Was the rock legend dort de macht? “With the family on the beach and in the evening with friends ahangen”, so Maffay to “Bild”. The fear of the Älterwerden has not disappeared. I am Gegenteil: “The way there was a gift.” If you look at the singer, you can not help but think that you are “pure time change”.

Peter Maffay welcomes Tochter Anouk: “When I get older, I begin with a better day”

Jugendlich Peter Maffay is not grateful to Ehefrau Hendrikje, especially for all the ways of Tochter Anouk. “Ihre Energy is unglaublich and zauberhaft”, the music blares in the active interview with the “Bild”-zeitung. An offense has been committed, but the community is a beautiful woman and journeyer who can recognize: “Anouk is wie Hendrikje a Mischung of Pippi Langstrumpf and Ronja Räubertochter. Wenn ich sie wecke, with ihr frühstücke, sie in die Kita fahre, beginnt für mich een schöner Tag.” Peter Maffay seems to be cooking with his life. A life that lasts 75 years!