
Maßnahmen against Park-Druck in Kiel: Pilot project started | – Nachrichten

Maßnahmen against Park-Druck in Kiel: Pilot project started | – Nachrichten

Status: 30.08.2024 05:00 hrs

Uncomplicated finding a Parkplatz – that would make the city of Kiel easier for residents to make. A start-up will use a Hilfe app from Park-Druck in the city.

by Julia Jänisch

The Parkplatzsuche costs Tausende Autofahrer in Schleswig-Holstein täglich Zeit, Sprit und Nerven. Says Herbert Grönemeyer in “Mambo” about Stunden Seine Runden Drehte, to find a Parkplatz, that could never happen. 40 years has passed since the last days of the Zahl der Autos on our streets.

Beispiel Kiel: Dort gibt is heute in Vergleich in 2010 with a value of 16,000 more hours of welded Pkw. The einwohnerzahl remains in the Zeitraum from now on 10,000 people.

Der Park-Druck in der Innenstadt, aber auch in densely-besiedelten Wohngebieten, wait too. Nun will die in Stadt Parkplätze von Supermärkten, Behörden und Schulen mehrfach nutzen.

Parkplatz pilot project in Kiel will start in July

The idea is a fact: Viele Parkplätze has now been created – for Beschäftigte oder Kunden. At night you’ll be there – it’s safe to do so, when the living room opens up. Many debts and supermarkets are shifting into their parks. If the car is woolly for longer, the car will last longer when it is tomorrow, when the plate is braucht.

Kiel Oberbürgermeister, Ulf Kämpfer, give an interview © NDR Photo: NDR Screenshot

Oberbürgermeister Ulf Kämpfer: “Der Park-Druck in Kiel is so rude, that’s what we had to do.”

That’s the way it is in Kiel in the future, even though the Parklands are open to the public, says Oberbürgermeister Ulf Kämpfer (SPD): “The Park-Druck in Kiel is so great, that’s what we did. And that’s a win-win solution.” , of all etwas it is so bad to use Parkplätzen, soft drinks Anwohnerinnen and Anwohner are a Sicherheit feeling: Dort can in parks.”

Parkplace at RBZ Wirtschaft is now available

35 Parkplace since July at Regionalen Bildungszentrum (RBZ) Wirtschaft von Anwohnern nutzbar. For loss of costs in the park, at night, while living and in the holiday home, a utility agreement with the city must be agreed.

The Einfahrt zu a Parkhaus © NDR Photo: NDR Screenshot

The RBZ-wirtschaft’s parking garage is a challenge – the city of Kiel is perhaps the best place for car manufacturers.

The Knackpunkt: The Parkhaus vom RBZ Wirtschaft is due between 22 and 6.15 pm. We’ll come back if anyone wants to find another Parkplatz.

Genau of the criticism of Rainer Pregla vom ADAC: “Wir is the Gefühl, that is all the same funktioniert. That solution beim RBZ ist bürokratisch. The provisions for the Einsteller are so schlecht, that is, that they can be made with good results.”

The RBZ Wirtschaft is located in the densely populated area of ​​Kieler Stadtteil Ravensberg – the 35 Parkplaces can be found here. An office and timely flexible publication is a pride: with Hilfe an app.

App für Plätze, the most important official Parkplatz since

Two people recording an interview in front of the room © NDR Photo: NDR Screenshot

Malte Wussow and Christopher Gruber came up with the app idea when they saw such things in a parking lot.

Malte Wussow and Christopher Gruber from Kiel launched the PEUKA app a few years ago. “The Firmenidee kam mir tatsächlich in Ravensberg. I am always loved in the region. Then I am a pharmacy vorbei and wusste: the power first Monday wieder auf. Aber man kann dort natürlich nicht mit gutem Gewissen stehen. And that thoughte ich: Da muss es eine Lösung geben”, erzählt Wussow von de Anfängen der App.

Your idea: People, supermarkets, debts or companies, who have parking lots for free, can offer them in the PEUKA app. It can be a problem at the parking lot for an Arztpraxis. In the app or online you can have car drivers reserve at the parking lot – starting tomorrow for the evening.

Price empty Parkplatzinhaber selbst fest

Das Ganze is not free – the prices of the Parkplatzinhaber fest itself. My prize costs a stunde zwischen 1 and 2 Euro. Reflection and everything else digital is possible. That’s a good thing: The Falschpark quote lies below the surface, legends that Gründer. More than 600 Parkplätze is the app active in Kiel kunstügbar. Aber also in communities who Rendsburg or Eckernförde others gibt es Angebote.

Rainer Pregla from ADAC gives an interview © NDR Photo: NDR Screenshot

For Rainer Pregla from ADAC the app version is “innovative”. Urban loans are bilingual as your office.

“That’s an innovative solution,” said Rainer Pregla of the ADAC, “the app has developed a digitalization and knowledge knowledge. This electronic software can be in time, if it is on the parking lot and which verlassen then will be the best.”

Landesweit is an unimportant situation

Landesweit does not give major projects to the Kieler flights. In Lübeck, if het Thema Mehrfachnutzung van Parkflächen op de Agenda der Stadt, een monofunctional Nutzung van Stellplätzen in private Raum in der Regel is inefficient, so a Pressesprecherin.

In Flensburg, the Stadt der Park-Druck is located next to the Stadtteilen Duburg, Johannisviertel and St. Jürgen Groß – many park opportunities are found on the Exerzierplatz.

In Husum, nights at Schulparkplätze were spent

Husum is more unburocratic than in Kiel: Dort dürfen laut Stadt Anwohner zum Beispielnacht auf Schulparkplätzen parks.

In Neumünster, a supermarket parking lot could be built on the Gerisch sculpture parks.

More information

A shield goes over a bicycle path. © NDR

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A real estate agency from the Landes sollen Flächen entstehen

The Kiel start-up founders wished that more areas of companies and supermarkets were made available to residents. It is possible that the Oberbürgermeister-Kämpfer of Kiels will appeal to the supermarkets and the country abroad, including the financial secretary of state Oliver Rabe.

“The Ministry of Finance has taken into service its own concept of the Park Surfaces and the Landesimmobilien and remains in the Austausch in the Landeshauptstadt Kiel”, said Rabe. You can use the Pilot Surfaces in the “concrete plan”.

If these Flächen and other Parkplätze of Behörden, Supermarkets and Schools in Kiel were used twice, everything is unclear.

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30.08.2024 | 19:30 hrs

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