
An expert knows what it is

An expert knows what it is

“Meal Prep”: So heißt das jetzt. Der Begriff comes from English: “Meal” with Mahlzeit, “prep” steht für “preparation”, sprich Vorbereitung. Das good old Vorkochen too. Vom “Nutrition Hub”, a platform for German ErnährungsexpertInnen, what matters is a onem Mega trend explained, as will be set in the year 2025: “A culinary contribution to the everyday question is made on the social media channels Who can be the most polite? Lifestyle learn well?” Nasty Debt Start one of the active Themes.

“Vorkoop was always clean,” says Elisabeth Koller. The comprehensive nutritional trainer lives and loves the “Meal-Prep” principle “for a healthy life” and offers some workshops of its own. “Food to goideal when it comes to a Mahlzeit, bedeutet a great Lebensstil-Mehrwert. Wen wir forkliftwe have always prepared food and everything is fine”. “Meal preparation” is a wonderful meal, on an individual basis Lebensmittelunverträglichkeiten and previews.

A good plan is everything

Koller puts on ““Clean eating”also uses kaum Fertilizer products and none artistic additionseverything is so natural that it can be bought and bought. Entspannt geht sie es trotzdem an: “Everything is possible, nothing muss. Weil es kaum etwas Schlimmeres gibt, if sich überfordern. Es geht schließlich darum, Zeit, Money and Nerven zu save and with these last Gedanken, I was heute kochen soll, Schluss zu machen.”

What is “Meal Prepper” for? It’s a good idea anyway. There is a big change in the process Holders Oder Lunch boxes in unterschiedlichen Größen. In Kollers Küche you will find fresh glass bottles, Jena- und Rex Glasses if it is Gurkengläsern in All Dimensions. Ihre Formel lautet so: Plans. Einkaufen. Forkochen. “Surely I am aber noch, was ich im Stock rack It may be a challenge, but it cannot be different or more expensive. Then I set myself up and cook in two steps for the next two days, three days before.” After a long period of time: The portion sizes since the end of the year, man must have few additions and abwash.

Independent microgreen

©Elisabeth Koller

Mikrogrün als wertvoller Frischekick

In Dutch Frisian and Autumn fabric the expert in the field of experience can be a trick: “You can do a few things and try to understand what happens when you put the material in the right place, while you take peppe out when it is right.” Frisch Microgreenthat is what you see in your kitchen: Sprouts von Radishes, Broccoli, Sunflowers, for example. “And when I get a good feeling, and so on Glove or Thistle oil from near the oil mills. So the nourishment will dry up.” All hives will undergo an airtight sealing and a dunklen of the ice hives as a foursome of things that are gradually stored.
These small, self-chosen and precious Microgreen “grasses” are intended for children who believe – as an ideal Snack for the School.

To the point: “SUP vorzubereiten, ist für Eltern mit School children If you don’t use recommend, you should do it first Heat hunger after the conclusion of the injunction. If you yourself are at war after the debt has arisen, it is practical to cook and weld in the refrigerator in the refrigerator. So much better than every snack! And with a few Hanfsamen-drauf, come valuable Protein “daz.”

“Meal Prep” is suitable for Koller who is not in bed, everything you need is bought: “Gerade for Schulkkinder and the Stressigen Alltag is fine, Gemüse prepares for schnipseln or der Fleisch vorzubrutzeln, or in itself thenn with a small amount of warming and Rasch a sunny Mahlzeit zubereiten zu können.”

©Elisabeth Koller

Meal Prep Guide

  • Rezepte heraussuchen (book, app, internet)
  • Is it possible to combine? Etwa Reis/Quinoa forks and other types used.
  • Write an email list
  • Idea: Wähle Freitag or Samstag as Einkaufstag. This is the Meal Prep Tag.
  • Plane zwei Stunden Zeit, om für zwei, drei Tage vorzukochen
  • Meal Prep Foods are best suited for a weekday lunch bar.
  • Create your personal recipe database with favorite dishes for this and your family.
  • Note that you have created a list of choices, it is time to get started and you no longer need to do something like that and have done everything.
  • Reihenfolge der Speisezubereitung abstimmen, zB gesamtes Gemüse waschen und schneiden.
  • Die Behältnisse zum Aufbewahren in Sichtweite, rericht alle Zutaten en Kochutensilien griffbereit.
  • If a spear is in the round, another parallel in the Pfanne-braten can form another parallel
  • Zwischendurch sauber machen, spart Zeit.

Rainbow pizza

©Elisabeth Koller


Healthy Rainbow Pizza

Vegetarian, 2 Portions, Dauer approx. 30 minutes


2 Naan bread (alternatives are also Tortilla Wraps gut geeignet), 1/2 Tasse self-authorized Pizza sauce1/2 cup spelt Mozzarellaetwa 4 Bags small geschnittenes, buntes Gingerand so forth lump coalgreen, yellow and red Pepper shots, red pigs, Corn cornspelled Zucchini.

For the pizza sauce:

150 g sliced Bird of Paradise (from the dose or fresh), 2 tbsp Olive oil1/2 Button blazersomething fresh chopped oregano Oder rockneter Oregano1 Price brown sugar, Salty, Pfeffer

Back cover, Back cover


  • Ofen auf 220 Grad Ober- unterhitze vorheizen
  • For the pizza sauce, you can order the pizza sauce and chop it finely and then add it to the olive oil. Paradeiser zufügen, met een Gabel gut zerdrücken. Provided Salz, Pfeffer and Zucker abschmeck, and the 10 Minutes boil, then the Oregano is ready.
  • Naan-Brote served with backing paper and backing is served with pizza sauce.
  • Freshly baked Mozzarella with the Brote and with the Gemüse so matured, that is the Farben of the Gemüses which with a rainbow is eaten, also from the grün über gelb zu rot z lila.
  • Bake the pizza for about 20 minutes, the crust will turn brown and the gingerbread will be brown.
  • Can be filled in boxes, welds and in the ice cabinets. I can have a debt or a debt in my office. Calm or warm ash.

Granola, healthy and homemade

©Elisabeth Koller

Sweet Granola, homemade

Duration: 30 minutes, Zeit im Rohr: 20-35 minutes


2 Bags Oat flakes or other Drawn herds1 small handful is rocked and cut Cranberries5 pcs. get rocknete and cut Marillen6 pcs. coreless databasewritten in small letters, 2 EL Mandelmus (optional), 1 Handful of fine hacked Nephew1 EL Tahini (optional), 5 EL Coconut oilalternative: highly erectile Sunflower oil2 EL Honey or vegan: Travel-, Agave-, Sugar syrup

small Aufbewahrungsgläser, Backblech, Backpaper


  • Prepare backblech and add backpaper
  • Backrohr op 150 Grad Ober- und Unterhitze vorheizen
  • All the holes in one of the colanders and the mass of the locker on the back are poisoned.
  • At 150 degrees in Rohr etwa 30 to 35 min. welding became tight.
  • Zwischendurch aufrühren, damit nichts anbrennt
  • If the mass has no superpower, the power is not great. If you have done it many times and feel that you have done it, before you have filled the glass.
  • That’s ideal Topping for yogurt, Requirement or sometimes like muesli, for snacking.
  • Let it take 2 weeks.