
Project with TU – Roman Land Carnuntum: Could the road to the country be bigger?

Project with TU – Roman Land Carnuntum: Could the road to the country be bigger?

The building of the “15-Minuten-Stadt” has ensured that the pandemic has gained an attractive attraction. Die Idee, Dinge ofs taglychen Bedarfs in Kurzer Zeit or Fuß of mit Öffis erreichen zu können, brings aber nature auch in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit, Lebensqualität and Klimaschutz great Vorteile. It is often the case that Schule, Arzt, Geschäfte & Co. in Stadt on the Kurzem Weg erreichbar sind. Römerland Carnuntum and the Technical University are now looking into the “Input” project, and that’s what we’re talking about. It was a savage würde, but I would die in the land of Raum. „Was braucht es, om eine 15-Minuten-Stadt“ zu be?’, explains Project Project Cornelia Fischer of Römerland Carnuntum die Idea in kurzen Worten.

Das Projekt läuft im Römerland Carnuntum parallel with three other regions in other European Ländern. The Ergebnisse is sollen dann verglichen. Three small regions were resumed in Brucker Bezirk: Das Teilgebiet West with the Gemeinden Ebergassing, Fischamend, Gramatneusiedl, Klein-Neusiedl, Schwadorf and Schwechat. Zu Mitte heard the communities of Göttlesbrunn-Arbesthal, Höflein, Rohrau, Scharndorf and Bruck. And their eldest sisters became the Gemeinden Bad Deutsch-Altenburg, Berg, Hainburg and Wolfsthal.

The structure of the community and the Traffic, the Arbeitsstätten and the available Infrastructure and Geschäften, Ärzten and Ähnlichem are examined. A good part of the experience is the fragmentation of the population images. “Here we are so willing to be involved in different groups and community groups, which means that we have a different business life,” says Fischer. Anonymous Spoken solos that unused Perspektiven were fragmented.

Whoever is there, it is no longer a party. “That is a matter of achievement,” Fischer explains. If man can explore the path with a realistic mass, man will also look into the regional lung association of his themes.

Die Fokusgruppen und Gesprächstermine:

  • People aged 65 and over: September 17 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Haydn-Geburtshaus in Rohrau
  • Occupations: September 17 from 5pm to 7pm in Haus von Römerland Carnuntum in Bruck
  • Menschen, de Erziehung oder Pflege leisten: September 24 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Haus von Römerland Carnuntum in Bruck
  • Youthful: October 15 from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM at the Jugendzentrum in Bruck

Please register with Eva Schmolmüller at [email protected]