
Trauer in Neuseeland: Maori King Tuheitia died

Trauer in Neuseeland: Maori King Tuheitia died

Nur wenige Tage nach dem 18. Jahrestag seiner Krönung ist in Neuseeland Maori-König Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero gestorben. There were 69 years alt. The first time a reoperation is not possible is that it does not work. There is now a problem in the Krankenhaus in the Kreise Signaler Family, which is in an Erklärung from Tuheitias Büro.

Since 1958, the “Kingitanga” (Maori-Königsbewegung) with their souls are grounded in war, the residents of their own country are united. If the power of the Maori kings survives, a great symbolic and cultural role is played among the various Maori tribes and it is worthy of a national outpouring. 900,000 Maori lived in Neuseeland, which was more than 17 percent of population.

King Charles in Trauer

»Ein Häuptling, der ins Jenseits übergedingen ist. Ruhe in Liebe«, here is in the Erklärung further. The Kulturministerium is intended to let the flag shine on the halbmast if it is so, “if they come from the tifsten Trauer and des Respekts”. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon said there was a “schütterliche Hingabe” of King’s Day. There has been »unauslöschlich geprägt« in Neuseeland.

The British King Charles has made his »seventh bet« on the King of Kings in the Commonwealth country. »I had known the great joy of King Tuheitia for years«, wrote one of the Mitteilung. The Monarch was one of the most important things that had a great influence on the Maori and the Neuseeland, the culture, traditions and prosperity were “there with wisdom and feeling”. Tuheitia also took part in Charles’ coronation in London in September 2022.

Letzte Ruhestätte and Heiligem Berg

Tuheitia war 2006 nach dem Tod seiner Mutter König become. Signal Leichnam soll more time long in signal residence aufgebahrt before being taken to the northern island of the northern islands. The mountain had a great spiritual commitment – and its other flanks were used as prayers.

Traditionally, Seventeen People take part in such a part of Trauerfeierlichkeiten. It became a personal personal approach to the Pazifikraum, one of the ways in which this would happen. Who will follow is not clear.

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