
Durchbruch in der Chiralitätsforschung is new Horizonte für die Wissenschaft

In a study titled “Almost complete chiral selection in rotating quantum states,” published in Nature Communications, the Controlled Molecules Group with the Department of Molecular Physics at the Fritz Haber Institutes has made a significant advance in the range of chiral molecules. The team, led by Dr. Sandra Eibenberger-Arias, has found a full-fledged truncation in the abundance of these essential components of life.


This analysis sets out detailed information about the practical limits of the quantitative control of the chiral molecule in the Frage and opens the way for new research into molecular physics and further research.

Chiral Molecules, which no longer exist if there is no mirror image version, generate Enantiomer, have a large magnitude to the life event. The possible properties and its quantitative control, which probably have implications for the regeneration of the enantiomer in the gas phase, are the exceedance of the hypotheses about the homochiral functioning of life – the promotion of one mirror image over the other in biological system i.e.

If you understand the scientific community, there is a perfect control over the quantitative data of this molecule that can be seen theoretically, but practically unreachable. The team at the Fritz Haber Institute did their best. While the scissor was not an ideal experimenter, he has a 96 percent of the pure properties in the amount of enantiomers (one of the two mirror images) erreichbar ist, with only 4 percent of the other, was not even a 100% selective choice.

Die Durchbruch wird die Einsatz van maßgeschneiderten Mikrowellenfeldern in Kombination met ultraviolet Strahlung-ermöglicht, was een beispiellose control over de Molecule erlaubt. When I experiment with a Strahl of Molecules, the rotational movements have become larger (based on a rotational temperature of a level 1 of the absolute zero point), as a result of which interaction ranges, in which there are resonant UV and microwellenstrahlung are established. Daraus resulting – a bedeutender Fortschritt in Moleculstrah experiments – enthalten ausgewählte Rotationsquantenzustände fast ausschließlich das ausgewählte Enantiomer a chiral Molecules.

The new experiment offers new possibilities for the continuous physical and chemical effects, involving the chiral molecular components. The method of the teams is a new investigation of the paritätsverletzung in chiral molecules – a phenomenon, the theoretical knowledge, that cannot be performed experimentally. It may be that the deep-seated effects have arisen in a universal way from the fundamental (A) Symmetries of the universities.

In the present study one of the most complete, enantiomer-specific transfers is possible and the method of the coarser molecule can be changed. It is a fact that this solution offers new possibilities in the molecular structure, a new development and potential improvement.